Page 12 of Little Risk of Fall

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“I feel…” I drifted off, moaning again. The pleasure didn’t stop, my head swirling with wave after wave of serotonin. “I feel so good.”

“Good,” Jasper chuckled. “If you weren’t my mate, it wouldn’t have that effect on you.”

“Really?” I asked, raising my head.

He slid off me, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. His hand gripped my thigh and I lay there, still catching my breath and coming to. My lips tingled, my mind reeling.

“Really,” he said, nodding. “I wanted to be more patient but I can’t…I can’t resist you. Not after controlling myself for two weeks.”

“I’m glad we waited because I got to learn things about you,” I whispered.

It was true. Over the last couple weeks, I had been able to go on a couple more dates and at least justify that I wasn’t crazy for visiting Canada for a whole week with an orc I didn’t know until recently.

The dates had been nice. One of them, he had come by the firm and brought me lunch and then met me after for dinner at a bar. I’d learned that humans couldn’t see him how he really was, that he was using a bit of magic to shield himself from regular people. To them, he just looked like an oversized linebacker.

Jasper smirked, stealing another glance at me. “We’ll take a hot shower and then I’ll give you a tour.”

“Deal,” I said. “If I’m able to move yet.”

Jasper rose and surprised me yet again by picking me up like I weighed nothing. He tossed me over his shoulder with a deep grunt, carting me through a doorway to a massive bathroom.

He gave my ass a quick pat before setting me down. “Let’s get washed up, boy, and then you’ll meet my band of orc brethren.”

I followed Jasper like a lost puppy through the living space, my jaw dropping as I realized that there was an orc being sucked out in the open by another human. Jasper paused for a moment, waiting for me to fall into step next to him.

“Sex doesn’t fluster us as it flusters you,” he said, winking at me. “You can take a seat and watch if you want, or I can keep showing you around.”

“We can keep going,” I said, even though part of me wanted to sit and watch.

Part of me wanted Jasper to be the one on that couch with me servicing him in front of every orc to see.

I stole one last glance at the orc on the couch, his muscles rippling as he let out a roar and came.

Fuck. I let out a small noise and went after Jasper, wondering just how many surprises there were in store for me on this adventure. When it came to the world of monsters, there was no telling.

There were at least fifteen other orcs staying at the lodge right now, all of varying sizes and shades of green. While Jasper has very dark green skin, a couple of others had emerald while others had lime. Each of them wore furred kilts, some of them wore hunting gear.

Jasper led me to a sprawling kitchen, going to a fridge large enough for orcs. A couple of others stood in the kitchen staring at me until one cleared his throat.

“You have company, Jasper?” he asked, raising a dark brow.

Even though he asked Jasper a question, his eyes were on me.

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. How many times was I going to feel nervous or embarrassed during the next week?

Jasper handed me a water bottle, winking at me. “Indeed. He’s joining this week for the solstice hunt, Gregg.”

The solstice hunt?

Gregg smirked, regarding me with a different twinkle in his eyes. “I see. The great Jasper has finally succumbed, hmm??”

Jasper surprised me by moving behind me and wrapping his arms around me, regarding his friend. “Indeed. Where’s your mate?”

“Getting ready for tonight,” Gregg answered, smirking. “It’s good to see you like this. Also, it’s good to meet you, human. You must be quite the catch to finally pull Jasper from his unmated status.”

Jasper let out a soft growl. “Indeed, he’s special.”

I felt his cock press against me and swallowed hard, desire pulsing through me. They couldn’t see that his cock was pressing against me. They couldn’t see that mine was already starting to harden.
