Page 13 of Little Risk of Fall

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But, I was sure based on the way Gregg raised a brow and waved, leaving the two of us alone in the kitchen, that he knew.

“Drink your water, boy,” he said.

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, obeying him.

“Drink it all. You need to stay hydrated.”

I nodded, uncapping the bottle and holding it to my lips. Jasper let out a soft grunt, running his hands up my sides as the water splashed down my throat.

“Can’t keep my hands off you,” he mumbled.

I nearly choked as his hand slipped into the front of my pants.

“Fuck,” I gasped, wiping my mouth. “I thought you were going to show me the grounds.”

Jasper gave a heavy sigh, kissing my neck before drawing his hand from my pants. His tusks rubbed against my skin, one of the tips nudging me.

“Later,” he growled in my ear, then hummed. “Alright, let’s go look at the grounds. I want to show you where the trail heads are in case you get lost.”

“What hunt was Gregg talking about?” I asked as I followed him out of the kitchen.

We went out the doors onto a massive deck that seemed to wrap around the entire lodge. There were tables and a fire pit. The deck had a set of stairs that led down, immediately hitting a trail.

“I’ll explain more soon,” Jasper said.

Nerves went through me, anticipation. Just what did he have in store for me?

We went down the steps, hitting the tawny dirt of the path. The forest started almost immediately, the trees massive and towering towards the sky.

“Tonight, it will be in the low 50’s,” Jasper said, looking back at me. “It’s perfect for running. Those of us that have mates or would like to claim our mates have a tradition once a summer. A week of games to celebrate the summer solstice, of proving that we are worthy of our mate’s love. Of allowing our mates to show themselves off.”

I bit my lower lip as the path started to descend some, taking us deeper into the forest. Patches of light fell through the leaves, falling on the two of us and turning everything green almost luminescent.

“The first game tonight is a hunt. You will run through the forest and try to escape us. Other orcs will go after you. Some may try to catch you, but none of them will before me. Once I catch you, I will claim you in front of god and everyone. So long as you consent, of course.”

I thought about it for a moment and then nodded, a shiver of excitement working through me. “I want you to claim me.”

“Good, boy,” Jasper hummed, his walk slowing as we came to a fork in the trail.

There was a sign with a map on it, showing several different trail heads.

“This is a map of the woods around here with the different trails. Should you get truly lost, all you need to do is look for different markers on trees. I want you to study this map, and take a picture of it with your phone so that you have it. I would be able to hear you if you got lost, but you never know what lurks when we’re unaware.”

I nodded and pulled out my phone, snapping a picture of it real quick. “I’ve heard the Barista has faced some troubles recently.”

“Yes, he has. Part of the reason I whisked you away to here was so that we could stay out of the line of fire. It’s getting closer to…he has an enemy that is coming for him,” Jasper said, hesitating for a moment. “But here, surrounded by my brethren, we will be safe.”

“I trust you,” I said, looking up at him.

Jasper smiled, crossing his arms. “Study up, boy.”

I obeyed him, turning my focus back on the map.

In a couple hours, the sun would start to dip below the horizon. The warmth of the light would fade and I would be hunted by my orc mate.
