Page 46 of Little Risk of Fall

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I was in the hospital for three days before getting to finally come home. The wounds I had were too great to be treated by the Barista’s friends alone.

It had been the longest three days of my life, and Jasper hadn’t left my side once despite his own broken bones. He was at least able to heal a lot faster, and the Barista had stopped by several times to slip us potions.

Jasper pulled up to the lodge in his new truck, getting out and coming around to my door.

Even though I was completely healed— I had called my job and let them know I was injured and would be needing a couple more weeks off. At first, my boss hadn’t believed me until Jasper had stolen the phone from me.

I’d never heard my boss say ‘Yes, sir’ in my life but he had done so at least five different times with Jasper.

The door opened and Jasper started to undo my seatbelt.

“I can walk,” I chuckled. “They cleared me to walk. They said I healed faster than they thought possible and would have done studies on me if you wouldn’t have intervened.”

“They cleared you for many things, but if I had my way I’d wrap you in bubble wrap and strap you onto me.”

I wrapped my arms around him, despite the fact that I could walk if I wanted, and let him carry me up to the doors of the lodge. The doors were opened for us by Gregg and Will, both of them following us for a moment.

“Are you both okay?” Gregg asked. “I heard about what happened. We could hear everything from here.”

“We’re okay,” Jasper answered. “We’ll be upstairs. I’ll come down later for dinner maybe.”

I frowned, concerned by how protective he was being. He carried me up the stairs to our room, kicking the door shut behind us.

Everything looked exactly like we had left it the morning we had driven to the lake, but so much had changed.

“I’m going to get you settled in and then get some water. And then maybe we can watch some shows or—”

“Daddy?” I asked, interrupting him as he lay me down on the mattress.

“Yes?” he asked.

I reached up, holding his face. “I’m okay. You have stayed with me every single moment since I was in the hospital, never leaving my side. You’re being overprotective now. I’m okay.”

Jasper let out a breath, kneeling his forehead to mine. “I let you down,” he whispered. “I didn’t protect you. It’s the only thing I’m good at, and I failed. You could have died. You almost died.”

“But I didn’t,” I said, wishing that I could convince him to see things how I saw them.

I had almost ended up as the victim of three insane witches. Instead, I had been saved by a fallen angel who I had yet to be able to thank. I was lucky.

“I thought you were dead,” I whispered. “I thought you were dead and it tore me apart so much that I couldn’t even feel my broken bones…”

I drifted off for a moment, closing my eyes.

“Do you know how happy I felt when I saw you?” I asked.

Jasper sighed, moving me on the bed so that he could lie down next to me. He pulled me against his chest, staring up at the ceiling.

“I’ve never been more thankful to see someone alive,” Jasper finally said. “And I know you felt the same way. You humble me.”

“I love you,” I said, looking up at him. I ran my hands over his chest, rubbing him. “I love you. And I want you to believe me when I say that I’m not fragile and that I am okay. I’m resilient.”

“I love you too,” Jasper said. “And I know you’re resilient. I just wish that you didn’t have to be…I wish that you wouldn’t have seen those horrible things.”

It haunted both of us. What happened had been so far out of our control that it left both of us feeling helpless. But we were still here, we were still together, and both very much alive.
