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“Another time.” My smile feels forced when the reasons for my departure flood through the fences.

With a slight tug, he sets us into motion again. “Keep up. We’re nearly there.”

Eager to see the view, I increase my pace.

“You know what they say about the best way to get over someone…” His husky voice infiltrates my insides.

“Is that an offer?”

“Yes.” The statement is punctuated by a tug as we reach our destination. Though Rhett stole my ability to focus on the land around us with his no-hes

itation proposition. Not able to let it go, I step into his path. He can joke and tease all he wants to, but this might be a card I want to play someday, so I need the facts.

I lift my sunglasses to rest atop my hair. “Yes?”

One side of his sensual mouth lifts in a smirk. “What surprises you more—that I didn’t beat around the answer or that I’m happy to have you in my bed? Because I have to be honest, if you haven’t figured out I’m a no-strings kind of guy, you’ve missed something this week. And if you forgot the time I had my hand between your thighs, you definitely missed something.”

A guy who looks like Rhett and commands attention like Rhett does not have any problem finding a woman. I definitely picked up on that by the way he kisses and strummed me like a fine-tuned guitar.

I’m also not the type of woman who has a problem finding someone who wants me and makes that known. Contrary to the circumference of my thighs, men find me beautiful just as I am. Does every man find women like me attractive? No. Do I give a fuck? Also no.

“I’m not surprised by either. I’m simply seeking confirmation.”

He mirrors my action and removes his own shades to expose his eyes, promptly locking them on mine.

“Well then, consider this your confirmation. I’d like a repeat of the other day and the chance to do a hell of a lot more with you, no strings attached, whenever you need help scratching that itch. Understood?”

This must be that midday heat Rhett warned about before we left because my internal temperature has skyrocketed. Needing reprieve before I melt into a puddle, I pull my sweatshirt over my head to reveal the cropped tank top underneath. I can’t even answer his question before his gaze drops to my chest, and he groans at what he finds.

“When I asked if you had something under your sweatshirt, you could have warned me it was the size of a handkerchief.”

I wet my lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m perfectly covered.”

Rhett shakes his head. “I don’t know where you came from, but what little you leave to the imagination is a gift.”

In order to hide my grin, I give him my back and hustle to the end. As soon as the trees clear, I come to a complete stop.



In the span of a few seconds, I know that sharing my personal slice of heaven with Evie was the right idea. I watch her take in the ridges and rocks, the jutting cliffs, and the rushing river below with complete stillness. I stayed a few steps behind as she dashed ahead. I’m pretty sure she thought it was so I could admire her ass, which I did, but I also wanted an uninhibited view of this.

During our shared meals this week, I noticed Evie had an appreciation for the outdoors. The way she tips her face to the last rays of the sun and how she leans back on her hands to feel the gust of a breeze. How she makes sure we don’t leave behind a single scrap of trash when we’re finished eating. I wanted to give her something more than a dusty old dirt parking lot to spend her free days.

What’s in store for either of us remains a mystery. Whether she’ll disappear as quickly as she arrived or set down roots with someone she meets in Arrow Creek. I do know that this friendship is panning out to be exactly what I need, and I hope I can give her a little of what she’s looking for too.

The gravel rolls beneath my shoes as I close the distance between us. I drag my index finger along the back of her smooth hand at her side, startling her from her admiration. She looks over at me, eyes light and free, before she continues closer to the edge. Ghost and I follow at a slower pace.

“I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it.” The breathless quality of her voice warms the frigid organ in my chest.

“It’s peaceful, that’s for sure.” Coming here for the first time all those months ago when I found out Nora preferred adultery to our marriage, I felt what she’s feeling. Now I spend those moments when life feels too painful to breathe up here in this serenity.

“My problems feel so small, so insignificant in the grand scheme of things.”

“They aren’t insignificant—”

She whirls and cuts me off. The glistening tears caught on her lower lids are startling.
