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“That’s it, Rosie. Come on my cock, honey.”

She squeezes around my dick, and I drop my head to her flushed chest to suck a hard nipple into my mouth. Her hands fly to the back of my head, holding me there as she screams. “Oh, oh, oh, please don’t stop!”

My balls tighten and draw up. Sweat mists my hairline. I may not be working at a punishing pace, but our fucking is still hot and sweaty. I hold off as long as I can while I keep pushing myself into her. She finally lets go in a long, continuous pulsing wave that milks my orgasm out of me.

“Fuck!” I release her nipple to shout and drop my forehead to the center of her chest. She clings to the back of my head, trapping me against her breasts. If I died right this second, it’d be a damn good way to go.

After a few moments of rest, I plant a few kisses across her bare skin. She giggles and finally releases my head. With a dramatic sigh, she flaps her arms back across the bed.

“That…That was…”

“Amazing. Incredible. God-like?” I tease and smile up at her. She musters the energy to look down at me with a scowl.

“It’s not sexy to hear you sing your own praises.” Evie bites her lip.

I wipe my grin off on her chest. “I was singing yours, Rosie. I don’t think I’ve come that hard or that many times in twenty-four hours in my entire life.”

She giggles and pushes my forehead so my head turns to the side. “Shut up. What time is it anyway?”

Her question prompts us both to check the clock. We both look back at each other with shock.



That was me. Her own stream of curses follows shortly after.

“I have to get out of here before your ex arrives with your son.”

I pop off the end of the bed, and she rolls to the side and off. “Hey, let’s calm down. We have time.”

Evie glances around the sex-destroyed room with a grimace. “Really?”

I follow her gaze to the overturned lamp. The set of handprints on the mirror that any sexually informed adult would know what they mean. Beyond the strewn clothing that will get picked up as we dress, there’s also the messed-up beds.

“I pick him up in the lobby so my ex won’t even see the room. Besides, the little guy is two. He’ll be none the wiser.”

Evie already has her bra on and drags her shirt over her head when I glance at her. She steps into her rumpled white skirt as she responds. “I guess you’re right. I should still get out before you need to get to the lobby in…thirteen minutes.”

I follow suit and start layering on clothes, ignoring the pang that our time together is over. Back to separate cars and sleeping beneath the stars.

“We’ll send you down first. Hey…” I snag her wrist as she starts shoving Ghost’s items away in a tizzy. “It’ll be okay.”

She shakes her head and drops her gaze to where my fingers encircle her. After a moment, she shakes it off to resume her hasty packing. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m just hungry, and Ghost could use a potty break.”

I eye her skeptically. Something else is going on. Emotions are high after spending the night together. I know for a fact mine are, and I’ll need time to sort that shit. Now probably isn’t the right time.

She slings the bag over her shoulder and takes her dog’s leash. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

Another weekend sleeping in a hotel while she’s in her car still doesn’t sit right with me.

“Why don’t you drive back this evening to sleep? Nobody will know besides you and me.”

She shakes her head. “I can’t. This is your time with your son. Even if he isn’t old enough to know the difference, I am.”

“What about staying at Cami’s this weekend?”

“Rhett, you have eight minutes. I have to go. I’ll be fine. I’m always fine.” Her smile seems to fall short of her eyes.
