Page 42 of Surrender

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Rafael quickly kneels beside me, resting his hand over mine. In a hushed voice, he responds, “You didn’t. You didn’t misread anything.” He tilts my chin to look at him with the feather-like touch of one finger. “You continue to surprise me.”

“What are you saying?”

He doesn’t offer me any other words. However, he takes my face in his hands, much like he did in the yard back in Atlanta, and kisses me with a heat hotter than the fire beside us. We quickly morph from crouching to pressing our bodies together, kneeling with our legs touching.

Rafael’s hands slide from my face to around the back of my neck, beneath the cover of my hair. His fingertips begin to massage my neck to the point of it being manipulated by his touch. My hands initially slip around his wrists. My fingers play with every bead on the bracelet I found for him today. Then they slide down his beautiful arms to rest on his biceps. His tongue begins to dance against mine, soft and slow. It’s a delicious tango I hope will never end.

His right hand breaks from my neck to slide down the side of my body. I can feel the thin black fabric of my sundress press against my skin. It tugs, sending a couple of subtle shockwaves through my entire body. My nails dig in through the soft linen of his shirt. His growl mixes with the crackling of the logs.

In a swift motion, Rafael turns his body so he’s sitting on the sand and I’m now pulled to straddle his lap. I can feel his quiet hunger beneath me. I’m teasing him just as much as he’s teasing me. His hands knead my back from my shoulders down to my hips and back again. My arms wrap around his neck as his lips press against the swell of my breasts, which peek out from the top of my dress.

Rafael takes my hair in his hand so it’s slicked back and off my body. He tugs gently as his other hand wraps at my waist, rolling my body slightly right to left. I sigh as I tug on the damp strands of his hair in turn. His playful low groan is becoming more ferocious. He’s hanging on by the same thin thread I am.

I rock back to my heels, scrambling for the button and zipper of his dress pants. My fingers feel like they’re working completely independent of the rest of my body. I’m able to open them, leaving the only barrier between us as my lace. He slowly lifts me so I’m fully kneeling again, then without warning, rips both side seams with seeming ease. I gasp from the surprise of his animalistic action and from the relief of knowing now I can touch him the way I’ve wanted to since dinner. I love him. I need to show him this way.

We pause for a second or two, just so we can stare fully into each other’s eyes as we connect. He aligns our bodies as I sink down onto his cock, sighing all the way to his root. Rafael allows his hands to disappear beneath the cover of my dress. He massages my skin as he turns his cheek to my chest. I roll my hips to glide up and down his shaft. The weight of his exhales vibrate my body.

He tugs the straps of my sundress slowly off my shoulders. His fingers claw at the fabric until it falls away to bare both my breasts. The subtle breeze blows across my nipples, adding extra fuel to our fire. He wraps his lips around one of my peaks, suckling and caressing my sensitive skin with his tongue. His vocal appreciation only spurs me on.

His hands grip over my hips, helping me glide effortlessly up and down every inch of him. I reach back to take hold of his left thigh, just above the knee. My back arches in his hands. This is one of those times I wish could last forever, but I know it won’t. I can feel it in myself and sense it from him.

Rafael growls a barely coherent version of my name. I start to cry out as my head falls back. I can feel my hair tangling with his fingers at the same time it coats his legs. My pants become shorter and closer together. His forehead presses against my chest.

“Ava. God. I. Love.”

Rafael doesn’t get another word out before he pulls me close, our climaxes following each other. I’m so lost in everything between us, I don’t know who was first. Honestly, it doesn’t matter.

I’m still arched back. He’s holding my entire weight in the palms of his hands. His forehead rests against my bare chest, his heated breath sends promise of another orgasm through my core.

“Ti amo, Bella,” he breathes.

In my haze, I hear him speaking. I think I heard what he said. I need him to say it again to be sure. I quietly take his face in my hands and tilt it to look at me. The flames light the azure color of his eyes, even under this sea of stars.

“Tell me again? I want to be sure I heard you.”

Rafael pushes a few damp strands of hair from my forehead, like he’s touching the petals of a delicate flower. “Ti amo, Bella.”

I feel so many things at this moment. I’m surprised at myself. I’ve only really known this man for a few weeks. I feel more for him than I’ve felt for anyone. I can’t believe he feels the same for me. He’s got so many layers to him, ones I’m sure no one has seen, or can see, but me. Even with him confirming what I feel, there’s something else. Something deeper.

I push that thought aside. Right now, I love him, he loves me. We’re in our last night of paradise. Tomorrow is tomorrow. Today is today.

I know where I want to be, and that’s right now.


The weight of her body thrills and comforts me in the same breath. I’ve said I love her. I do. You’d have to be blind not to see all the things there is to love about her. I know what it took for her to reveal it to me. I can feel both her fear and her freedom. I share them. She rests her head on my shoulder. The heat from her breath is like a fire for my soul. From the moment we met, she’s given to me, never taken away. That is a rare quality. Her ability to give is a gift I’m proud to receive.

“Bella? Are you all right?”

I stroke her back time and again, feeling the now calm rise and fall of her back. “I’m good. Very good.”

“I’m glad. I was concerned when you didn’t speak.”

I can feel her lips curve upward against my skin. “You should know by now you often take away my ability to speak.”

As much as it pains me, our bodies finally separate. Ava rolls to her back on the sand next to me, smoothing out her dress. Her hair is a wild mess, strewn above her head. Her limbs lie limp at her sides, while her eyes are still filled with the fire beside us and the one within her.

I collect myself, best I can, then rest on my side beside her. When I look into her eyes, I see my present and my future. I see all the things that are possible now that weren’t before. She is more beautiful on the inside than out, not to say she couldn’t easily stop traffic with her simple smile.
