Page 48 of Surrender

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“He did. I’m pinch-hitting for Noelle with Aaron tonight. It just so happens that he was invited to the same event Rafael is attending.”

“Does he know you’re coming? Because, damn, he’s going to fall out when he sees you. I’ve honestly never seen you so happy.”

“He had a lot on his mind while he was here. I don’t know what. I just wanted him to relax and be in the moment with me.”

“Well, he’s going to have his world rocked. Tell me you’re wearing the red dress.”

“I am. I want him to remember the first night I wore it and have it be our secret,” I tell her.

“Holy shit. That’s my girl! I’ve got a necklace that will stun with it. Put the diamonds in your ears that your parents gave you for Christmas.” She starts to leave the room, but runs back. “Oh, need my hooker heels too?”

I laugh. “I’m going to wear those platform peep-toes.”

“I know how you might be wearing them later.” She winks before running away.

“Sylvia…I both love and hate you.”

“I knowwwwww,” she hollers from the next room.

She’s right though. The red will be perfect. It’s been too long since I’ve felt the floaty chiffon. The deep V in both the front and back leaving just enough to the imagination and, as Syl says, piss off enough of the women there because I’m fucking unstoppable in it. She’s right.

My hair is all pinned to one side, flowing in curls over my left shoulder. They gave me rich brown and gold smoky eyes. The makeup artist had two of her other colleagues come over to peek at my eyes because she couldn’t believe how thick my eyelashes were. She would have sworn they were fake. I had to prove they weren’t. I have the perfect shade of liquid lipstick to complete the look.

Sylvia clasps the necklace around my neck as I watch the subtle V made of diamonds fall just above my breasts and the extender slides down between them to hang and hide. “Girl, if Rafael doesn’t fall at your feet again when he sees you, I’m going to have to check his man card. You’re absolutely breathtaking.”

“Thanks, bestie. I’d better get downstairs. Aaron should be picking me up any minute.”

“Be glad Noelle isn’t the jealous type either. I can’t wait to hear about everything when you get home. I really hope that it isn’t until the sun comes up.”

“Me too. Wish me luck.”

She gives me the biggest hug I think she ever has, then lets me go. “You won’t need it, girl. Trust me.”

Aaron pops out of the car to open my door for me. He stands with his mouth open as I walk past him and sit down in his Audi. “Don’t you have a fiancée?” I tease.

He laughs as he shuts my door then skips around to his. “Let’s get you to the ball.”

Aaron keeps the conversation light as we travel through a bit of late-day traffic to Buckhead. It’s not like I haven’t been to events like these, but each one has small nuances that need tending to. He wanted to make sure I knew what makes Skywriter different.

Knowing Alexandra helps. She is so kind and sweet anyway, I don’t think even if I’d been unprepared it would have been much of an issue. I’m more nervous to meet Julian, enter my starstruck tendencies, especially now after award season. He’s the talk of every press group. I really like seeing good things happen for good people.

Tonight’s event is a venue I haven’t been to before. We’re going to be at the Buckhead Theatre. I did a quick web search on the building itself while at a stoplight. It was built in 1930 and has gone through several phases until now, as a sometimes concert venue, but is known for its esthetics for private parties. A string of cars lines halfway up the block from the added valet post.

We finally get our turn to meet the beginning of the red carpet. There are a few fans waiting outside to catch a glimpse of tonight’s guest list. We have our obligatory photos taken outside before Aaron holds the door for me to go in. My senses are on overload the minute we get into the lobby. The carpet is packed, waiting to have a walk for the press.

The main room doors are flung open at the back of the lobby. The closer we get, the cooler the air from inside becomes. The lighting gives off the hues of orange, deep blue, and purples. It feels sort of Art Deco. I love it instantly. Once I get past the beauty around me, the nerves set in. I thread my arm around Aaron’s for not only stability, but courage. No one knows but Sylvia about Rafael. I’m taking a big risk without talking to him first. I’m not expecting him to be like he is with me when we’re alone. I’m smarter than that. However, I don’t think we’ll be able to hide once we’re seen together.

My eyes begin to scan the room to see if I can find him. Aaron catches on. “Hey you. What’s got you in knots? Relax.”

“I…I’m looking for someone. He should already be here.”

“He? You didn’t tell me another man was going to compete for your attention tonight,” he teases.

“Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Okay, Ava. What gives? Wait, is your secret admirer in attendance?”

“Don’t, okay? If you want the truth, yes, he will be here. He doesn’t know I’m here. I didn’t tell him. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
