Page 102 of Shadowed Loyalty

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Lorenzo turned her toward his car, his arm still around her. Roman, Cliff, and Sally were waiting behind it.

Roman spoke first, looking and sounding testy. “I owe you. I don’t want to.”

Lorenzo grinned. “You helped me get to safety. I think we’re even.”

Roman groused and jammed his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, but you were about to do the same for me. And even though you were stupid to get involved and weren’t doing much good anyway, I can’t deny nobility when I see it. My da would have liked to know you.”

The convoluted compliment made Lorenzo chuckle. Cliff shook his head and started for the alley’s exit, but Sabina held out her hands to Sally. When she gripped them, they shared a wobbly smile. “I count you as a friend after tonight. If you ever need anything, Sally…”

The blond squeezed her fingers. “Well, you can start by calling me Cecily. That’s who I was before I came here.”

“Okay. Cecily.” She pulled her in for a brief hug.

When they separated, Lorenzo held out a hand to her, too. “You’re really getting out of this life?”

Cecily nodded.

Lorenzo said, “Then you’ll need a job. My boss mentioned hiring another secretary, so if you’re interested…”

Wariness masked her face. “I’m not qualified.”

“You can take a course. And Helen will take you under her wing. It’s the least I can do. You saved my girl.”

Cecily grinned at Sabina. “Best thing I ever did. And I might just take you up on that offer.”

Roman reclaimed her hand. Irritation still rode on his shoulders, but there was a softer light in his eyes. “I’ll go tomorrow and get the money to pay off Capone. You can be a new woman by Monday. Cecily.”

Lorenzo cleared his throat and tugged Sabina toward the Nash. “Well. Not to run off, but Mama Rosa’s going to be frantic.”

The reminder put a spur under Sabina. She all but leaped through the driver’s door, then scooted over to make room for him behind her. “She’s going to be furious!”

“Mm hm.” He slid in too and closed the door. “Lucky for you, you only have another week under her roof.”

Sabina grinned and leaned over to kiss him. She whispered, “Ti amu, me amari.”

Lorenzo kissed her soundly in return. “We’re going to make it, Bean. No matter who our family is, we’re going to make a life together we can be proud of.”

She snuggled close as he started the car and pulled out. Behind her lay an alley of shadows, the lone circle of light shining on a nightmare. She didn’t look back.

Lights in the darkness. A path through the night. Immortal diamond.

She looked down at the one winking on her finger and knew it would be enough.

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