Page 22 of Faith's Redemption

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Afterwards, she fed the dog, then I took him out on the leash I’d bought, shaking my head as I watched him look for a spot to piss. “How the fuck did I end up with you?” I muttered as he finally lifted his leg on one of the Bel Air’s back tires.

Later, we settled into separate beds, her in the damn shorts and tank, me in my t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Lance cuddled up with Faith like he’d done it his whole life, while I stared up at the ceiling, listening to distant cars rumble by. Silence rang loud for several minutes, and I finally rolled to my side facing away from her, folding my pillow under my head. I doubted sleep would come, my mind was too busy. And Faith McMasters was in a bed, soft and warm, four feet away from me.

“So, you just came for me?” she said then, her voice quiet and resolute as it broke the silence. The sound of it played over my skin. “Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

There was another pause, and then she spoke again, softer. “I wish you hadn’t.”

I almost thought I hadn’t heard her right. I rolled to my back and turned my head. “Why?”

“Because... now I have to watch you walk away again.”
