Page 37 of Faith's Redemption

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Her gaze met mine. “Is this really my life?” she said. “Losing my father, my job, my... everything, in the blink of an eye, being stabbed and chased across the country by assholes I don’t even know, then being forced to move in with my... my...”

I lifted a brow in question. We never put a label on it back in the day. Hell if I knew what to call it now.

“My ex-best friend, the hot parolee who ignored me for years, couldn’t stand me a few days ago, but now wants to be my knight in shining armor.”

“Hot parolee?”

“Really?” Her eyes widened. “All that, and that’s all you heard? Seriously, Adam.” She crossed her arms. “To some women, you’re hot, okay?”

She blushed. How fucking adorable. I crossed my arms, too, digging my heels in. “To you?”

“Does it matter what I think?”

It shouldn’t. But it did. I kept my gaze locked on hers. “Just answer the question.”

Something in her expression shifted as we stared at each other, her eyes sliding down my body to my hardening cock, then painfully slowly back up to my face. “I don’t believe I need to. I’m pretty sure you know the answer. You just want to stroke your own ego by hearing the words come out of my mouth.”

That was not what came to mind when I heard the words ‘stroke’ and ‘mouth’ together. Still, she had a point.

“Touché. But I’m not trying to be anyone’s knight. It’s the best option for now until you can go home. You don’t even have to see me if you don’t want to. I work a lot of evenings; you’ll be helping Grace.”

Her brow lifted. “Do you even have a guest room?”

“No.” That brow lifted higher. “But you can have my bed. I’ll take the couch.” She started to shake her head, but I waved her off. “Faith. Seriously. I slept on a shitty prison mattress for six years. This is nothing. I’ll be fine.”

This seemed to appease her, and I managed to get her peacefully back into the car and to her house, where after a hit of shock and a couple of errant tears at the state of the place, she packed up another bag and we headed to my apartment.

I left her to get settled in while I headed downstairs to face the music.

I pushed open the door to Espérer. CJ was manning the front desk and looked up, his gaze inscrutable. Obviously, Tobes had told him what I’d done.

“Hey,” I said. “Tobias around?”

“In his office,” he replied around his customary Jolly Rancher.

I nodded my thanks and headed that way, passing Andromeda, who was with a client.

When I reached the office, I poked my head inside. “Hey.” Tobias glanced up from his computer, his eyes dazed as if I’d caught him in the middle of something difficult. “Got a sec?”

“Adam.” He snapped out of it quickly. “What the hell, man?” He stood, but I indicated for him to sit back down as I stepped inside and shut the door.

“I’m so sorry,” I started before he could jump my shit, and handed him his keys. “The car’s fine, by the way.”

He eyeballed me. “I don’t care about that. You said Faith was in danger?”

I nodded.

“Did you get her back safely?”

“Yeah. She’s, uh, upstairs, actually.”

He flicked the ceiling a look. “Up... at your place?”

I nodded again.

His frown deepened as he studied me. “Are you going back to prison, Adam?”

