Page 46 of Faith's Redemption

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“Yes. I can find it all if you give me some time.” I tucked my fists in my pockets. “And nobody touches the girl but me.”

Guidry lifted a brow at my demand, but I wasn’t backing down on that, so I pushed my point. “I mean it. She won’t relax with me if she feels threatened. If we do this, you keep your fucking men away from her.”

If he suspected I had an ulterior motive, he didn’t say. Instead, he asked, “How much time, Bishop?”

“No telling yet. The reverend wasn’t a stupid man, Guidry. He didn’t keep it all in one spot. If so, your goons would’ve found it when they tossed the church.” I tilted my head and shrugged. “This is going to take a little... finesse.”

His brows drew together sarcastically as he caught my meaning. “Finesse?”

“Yes, finesse!” I threw my hands up in frustration and stepped back. “You want my help or not, Guidry? Jesus! I’ve already got the girl living with me, for fuck’s sake. How do you think I got my hands on that much?” I shook my head. “I can get you the rest, but only if you cut me in. Only if you trust me. Damn, man. I used to be a part of the team. I fucking went to prison for it. You think I’ve gone soft?”

His gaze dipped to the money again as he clearly calculated the risks. Finally, he nodded toward one of his men. “Give Jethro your number. I’ll speak to the boss and call you with an answer by the end of the day.”

I nodded and did as he said. I knew better than to push any harder. This would either work or it wouldn’t. I left without a backwards glance, hopped on my bike, and headed out straight for work, wondering if I should clue Mateo in. I decided to wait. No point, really, until there was something to tell.

Which I had by five p.m.

I was in.

With a catch.

Guidry:The boss accepts your terms but wants proof of loyalty. We’re down a driver for the New Orleans run. We need you to handle it tomorrow at noon.

There was no request in his message. Just an assumption I would comply. And I would, no matter how sick it made me. This was my in—running drugs for Cyrus Pittman. Again.

I notified Mateo via the burner number, then went to work as usual at the shop, pretending nothing was amiss, though everything in the fucking world felt amiss.

“Yo, bro!” CJ brushed a hand over my head, making me miss a line as I kept practicing on my pig thigh. “Looking fucking good. Keep it up, and I’ll let you put one on me.”

I glanced up into his smiling face. “You been drinking?”

“Nah, man. Just high on life.” He showed me the red Jolly Rancher between his teeth. “And sugar.”

“Those things are gonna rot your teeth out.”

“Better than cigarettes, my man.”


“So, you joining us at Rudy’s tomorrow? Andromeda challenged us to a pool tournament after the shop closes.”

“I, uh...” I did a quick mental calculation. Drug run. Lunch. Work. Pool tourney. “Sure.”

The bell over the door rang, indicating a customer, and he glanced over. “Gotta run. Keep up the good work.”

I felt drained by the end of the night. Riding again made me unexpectedly physically tired; the events of the day mentally zapped me, and keeping secrets from Faith felt like a knife in my gut. I wanted nothing more than to sink into her softness and have her tell me everything would be okay... but that was probably the most dangerous thought I could have.

I trudged up the stairs and let myself in quietly, expecting her to be asleep. Instead, she was curled up on the couch again, scrolling on her phone, the dim kitchen light showing me she’d cooked, the remnants of something delicious still lingering in the air.

She glanced up at me with sleepy eyes. “Hey.”

“Hey.” I closed and locked the door. “I didn’t think you’d still be up.”

She put her phone aside and petted Lance’s head, who was conked out next to her. “I couldn’t sleep.” She watched me as I put my keys down and toed off my boots. “I made dinner if you’re hungry. Nothing fancy, just some tacos.”

“That sounds great. Thank you.”

Her smile was soft and sweet, and I felt like an asshole as I helped myself to the dinner she’d made even when I’d blown off her truce offer. I sank into my recliner and wolfed down the food, all the while feeling her eyes on me.
