Page 88 of Faith's Redemption

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He leaned back, his face glowing. “Wonderful. I’m so happy to hear that. We can get you up to speed on things and started right away.” He paused when his phone dinged with a text. “I do have an important New Orleans run tomorrow, though, that can’t be rescheduled.”

“I’ll take care of it,” I said.

“Thank you—” He picked up his phone with a frown when it went off again and read the screen, bolting to stand. “I apologize, I need to go.” His gaze was feral when he looked back up, his jaw tight. “It appears the threat I mentioned is legitimate. Chief Beckett is at my home now with a search warrant.”

I feigned shock and scowled. “Holy shit. Anything I can do?”

He shook his head. “No. Just business as usual unless you hear differently from me.” He grabbed his coat and headed out, already dialing his attorney.

I followed him outside and watched him speed away in his Escalade before straddling my bike. My entire body felt like a live wire. My house of cards was about to come crashing down around me, and everybody was oblivious. I just wished there was a way to make Faith understand. To make her see that I didn’t want to deceive her. That I’d kept things from her to keep her safe. But I knew her. She’d see my lies of omission as straight-up fucking lies and betrayal, even with her own brother-in-law on board. With our history, then her father, she may never be able to get past it, and I wouldn’t blame her.

Still, I had tonight.

My mind began to tick through possibilities of how to get through this night without breaking down. Without letting her know something was up.

Sometimes a strong woman needs her partner to be even stronger... sometimes not. Either way, what she really needs at the end of the day is to feel heard, seen, and safe...

Andromeda’s words haunted me. They also pushed me. Instead of wallowing in my own feelings, I could and would make tonight about Faith. That, I could do.

I made it to the shop and found Tobias alone in his office, running over the books. He glanced up at me, his expression going serious as our gazes met.

“You good, brother?” he asked.

I sat across from him. “Mateo’s executing a search warrant at Cyrus Pittman’s house as we speak.”

He was silent a long moment, dropping his pencil to sit back and digest my words. “Damn.”

I nodded, holding back the rest of what Mateo and I had worked out. No point in unloading that on my brother. It would only end in an argument.

He didn’t bother asking what they were searching for. “But that’s good, right?”

I rubbed my palms down my thighs. “I suppose that depends on what they find, but it looks like it.” I took a breath. “Either way, things are... coming to an end.”

He seemed to sense my double meaning and sat forward to lean on his elbows, lowering his voice. “She’ll understand, Adam—”

I shook my head. “No, she won’t.”

“Mateo will explain it to her.”

“It won’t matter,” I said. “But it’s fine. She deserves better than me.” I lifted a hand to halt his objections. We both knew it was true. Always had been. “I do need to ask a favor though.”

“Name it.”

“I need tonight off...” He began to nod, so I added, “And to borrow the Bel Air.” He lifted a brow and I grinned. “I’ll take good care of her. I swear it.”

He huffed out a breath and grinned back. “Hell, at least you’re asking this time.” He threw me his keys. “Just bring her back in one piece and fill her up with gas.”

“You didn’t drive the Charger today?” Jesus, how had I become so distracted I’d missed that?

“Your lucky day, I guess. I drove the Bel Air today to get it inspected.”

I palmed the keys. “How will you get home?”

“Hope’s in town with the girls today,” he said. “Hanging out with the new brother. I’ll ride back with her.”

“Shit, that’s right,” I said under my breath, rubbing at my eyes. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

He waved off my thanks, so I stood and headed out. Faith’s Jeep was gone, but she’d left me a note on the bar.
