Page 89 of Faith's Redemption

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Hanging out with my sisters and Matthew today. Let me know if you want me to bring home dinner. I love you.



Always so thoughtful. I shook my head and texted her.

Me:You’re not bringing home dinner. I’m picking you up from Grace’s and we’re going out tonight. Be ready by 6.

Me:Love you too xo

I faltered for a few beats, wondering if she’d want to do the family thing instead, it being Matthew’s first night here. Shit. All I could do was pray because I didn’t have the luxury of waiting another day. This was it. My phone buzzed back right away.

Faith:So bossy. I like it. ;)

I barked out a laugh, then almost fell over with relief.

Thank God.

I set about getting my plans together for the evening, plans for the most amazing woman in the world. I’d never been accused of being a romantic, and giving her an epic night of feeling seen, heard, and loved—well, that required tapping deep into the well. But she deserved it. And I had a lot to do.

By the time I rolled up to Grace and Mateo’s place at six o’clock, my nerves were humming for altogether different reasons. Would Faith think all of this was nonsense? I was never a Prince Charming. She’d see right through—

The door swung open, cutting off my thoughts, and revealed a smiling Faith in jeans and a form-fitting pink sweater, her short hair in soft, loose waves.

“Hey,” she said, her blue eyes sparkling, her cheeks rosy as she took me in from head to toe in my dark blue jeans and white button-down.

“Hey, yourself. You look... more than beautiful.”

Her blush deepened. “Thank you.”

“These are for you.” I offered her the large bunch of sunflowers I had behind my back.

The shock on her face was worth the effort of walking into the Topsy Tulip and listening to old Miss Mildred drone on about her rheumatoid arthritis for thirty minutes. Especially when she hugged them to her chest, the white tissue paper crinkling as she held the bundle tight.

“Oh my God. Adam. These are gorgeous.” Smiling eyes met mine. “You remembered.” She said this in quiet reverence, as if truly surprised I recalled such a mundane fact as her favorite flower. Something mentioned in passing only a time or two, years ago.

If only she knew I’d catalogued every single detail about her since the moment we’d met, and I had a lifetime’s worth of knowledge to work with... yet I was sure there was still so much to learn.

“Of course I remembered,” I said, offering her a small smile as laughing voices flowed from behind her.

She stepped back. “Come inside and say hi to everyone while I put these in water.”

I followed her in and reintroduced myself to her brother, Matthew, and said a quick hello to Grace and Hope. Olivia grinned up from a game on her iPad. Mateo was notably absent, but I didn’t bring it up.

“Hey, y’all don’t mind that I’m stealing Faith away tonight, do you?” I asked, really not caring if they did. “I know Matthew just got here.”

“I’m here all week,” he said, waving a hand. “Go do your thing.”

I pointed at Hope as Faith walked back in the living room. “Can you take your husband home?”

She pointed a gun finger back at me and winked. “Already on it. We’ll drop Matthew at the bungalow, too.”

“Why do you need to take Tobias home?” Faith asked, her brows coming together.

“You’ll see,” I whispered, giving everyone a smile as I led her out.

She stopped on the walkway when she spotted the car. “You drove the Bel Air?”
