Page 93 of Faith's Redemption

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“Leaving so early?” she asked, her voice coated in sleep.

“Yeah.” I kissed her head. “Sorry to wake you.”

“What time is it?”

“Seven thirty.”

She groaned and rolled over. “I told everyone we’d go to the diner for breakfast this morning.”

I sat to shove my feet into boots, wishing she’d said literally anything else. My chest felt like it would crack in half.

“That sounds nice.” I stood and pocketed my wallet and keys, then grabbed my leather jacket. “You can gloat some more.” I tried to force lightness into my tone.

She cracked a smile. “True.” She rolled to sit up, giving me a nice view of her naked chest as she eyed me speculatively. “Is something going on?”

“What?” I glanced over. “No. Why?”

She studied me a moment, then seemed to shake it off. “Nothing. I’ll see you later?”

“Of course.” I cleared my throat as I bent down to kiss her.

She grabbed my coat lapels and yanked. “I love you.” Her voice seemed suddenly desperate as she looked into my eyes. Very awake now and more serious than usual.

But I couldn’t go there. I’d break if I did.

I smiled against her lips. “I love you, too, baby. Now let me go, or you’ll be missing breakfast with your family.”

She forced a small smile and pushed me back. “Get outta here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I gave her one last look, then left—the image of her soft and sweet, naked in my bed, her blond hair tousled as she looked at me with love, burning itself into my brain.

As I closed and locked the front door, I shut it off. All of it. I compartmentalized all emotion and went into protector mode.

I left Tobias’s keys in the mail slot where he’d find them, then strode to my bike and roared out of the parking lot. I sped to the warehouse, grabbed my last pickup of drugs, and shouldered my backpack as I headed toward town, my heart getting heavier with every mile.

I felt the eyes on me. Even my ankle monitor felt hot on my flesh.

I could only hope Faith would be late to breakfast...

I glanced at my watch, and right on time, I upped my speed as I passed the city limit, blowing past the posted patrol officer. He flipped on his lights and siren and started after me. I gave a token run, and he kept after me. I eventually pulled over on Main, just two blocks from Cyrus’s main office. And just about every other business in town.

The officer took his time getting out of his car and coming my way. “In a hurry, son?” he drawled.

“No, sir.” Sweat began to trickle down my back, even in the cool air.

I never thought I’d ever experience this again.

“Kindly turn off your engine and remove your helmet, then I’ll need to see some identification and proof of insurance.”

I did as I was told, offering no resistance, making sure the surveillance team got a good look at my face for photos. I lifted my pant leg to show him my ankle monitor. “I’m supposed to tell you I have this, I believe,” I said, the words thick over the knot in my throat.

The officer looked down and then at my ID, then strolled back to his car to check me out. He was a good actor, I’d give him that. When he finally strolled back my way, his hand was antsy near his gun as he handed me back my things. “I’m gonna need you to step away from the bike there, Mr. Bishop.”

“Why’s that?”

“Just do as you’re told, young man.”
