Page 21 of Breaking My Silence

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“Why did you bring me here?” she asked, her voice shaking.

Was she afraid to be alone with me? Even after everything?

I wanted to be hurt by that, but for some reason, I couldn’t be. Not after the way she’d reacted to Max. I just had to hope that I’d earn her trust eventually, and that maybe one day she’d tell me what exactly she was so afraid of so I could calm those fears.

“I couldn’t let that be the way the night ended,” I told her. “Be a pretty crappy way to end our first date, me bringing you home in tears.”

“Firstdate?” She turned to look at me, her eyes wide.

“Yeah. First date. I was hoping we could do this again. You, me, lunch and a movie tomorrow? Maybe at Town Center?”

“I guess,” she mumbled. “My mom’s working a double anyway, so it’s not like I’m doing anything.”

Then I had a stroke of genius. I turned the key halfway so the battery would come on, then pulled my phone out of my pocket, plugged it into the auxiliary, and pulled up a song I was embarrassed to admit I actually had on my playlist: One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful.” I never thought I’d be using it like this, but it was actually kind of the perfect way to tell her how I felt about her.

“We have a soundtrack for the swings?” she chuckled.

“No. We have a soundtrack for our own homecoming.”


“Just because we had to leave the school doesn’t mean we can’t have our own dance. Just you, me, and some music. Dance with me,” I insisted, getting out of the truck and rushing around to help her out of the passenger seat, then pulling her into my arms.

“This isn’t really a slow dance song,” she giggled. “I think it’s time for you to show me those awesome dance moves you were bragging about.”

“Only if you bust out some of yours,” I teased.

“Fine,” she said with an adorable pout.

So we started dancing. I was a horrible dancer, and she wasn’t much better, but by the end of the song, Kyler was smiling and laughing. Knowing that I was the one who had put that smile on her face was the best feeling in the world. We just danced to whatever came on, whether or not it had a good beat.

Until “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears came on. Then I pulled her back into my arms.

What? I was a fan of the classics.

“Thisis a slow dance song,” I chuckled.

She laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck, and we started swaying to the music. Being this close to her, having her in my arms under the stars as we slow danced, was everything. Looking into her eyes, I saw everything I’d been missing in my life. And I couldn’t help thinking that maybe everything that had happened – my family’s relocation, being so drawn to Kyler from the first time I saw her, my struggles with Spanish and math and needing to bring my grades up – was so I could meet her.

As the song ended, before I realized what I was doing, I leaned down and pressed my lips to Kyler’s.

I was a little surprised when she didn’t back away, so I did it for her, pulling just far enough back to look into her eyes and make sure she was okay with what I’d just done. She just gave me a small smile, turning crimson under the bright streetlamp.

So I kissed her again, this time running my tongue along the seam of her lips. She parted them, and I searched her tongue out, massaging it with mine. She let out a soft whimper and tightened her arms around me, and I moved one of the hands that had been on her waist to her cheek, holding her in place. I could tell it had been a long time since she’d been kissed, if ever, because she was tentative at first. Hesitant. But this was the single best kiss of my entire life. Her lips were soft and warm against mine and she tasted like the godawful punch they always had at those school dances. I felt her quiet moans down to the very fiber of my being as our lips and tongues moved together effortlessly.

With just one kiss, I knew. This girl was it for me. I could spend the rest of my life searching and I’dneverfind anyone else who made me feel like this.

“Go out with me,” I whispered when I finally had to break the kiss for air.

“I already said yes,” she mumbled.

“I’m not just talking about tomorrow. I want you to be my girlfriend, Ky.”

“What about Max? And everyone else?”

“It’s none of their business. And if they have a problem with it, screw ‘em.”

“Why me, Ian?”
