Page 29 of Breaking My Silence

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“Ian!”Braden called, and I heard footsteps behind me, like he was running to catch up to me. “Wait up, man.”

I sighed and stopped outside the school gate to wait for him. I was still pissed at him for how he’d allowed his date to treat Kyler at the dance, but I didn’t have the energy to be mad at him anymore. He’d been the first friend I made when my family moved here, and we’d gotten close during training camp this summer. Honestly, he was more like a brother than a friend, and I hated this tension that had started to grow between us. If he was willing to give Kyler a chance and stop being a dick, I was willing to wipe the slate clean.

But I wasn’t sure how he’d take the Facebook relationship status change either. He was concerned about maintaining a reputation, unlike me. I’d played that game in my last high school and it was exhausting. I’d learned not to care. I played football because I loved it and I was good at it, not because I wanted to be popular. And I knew he was a good person. I hated to see him stooping to their level.

“So, are you going to make me ask, or are you going to be a friend and tell me?” he asked as he walked up next to me.

“Tell you what?” I said, feigning ignorance.

“What happened to you and Ky on Saturday night? I saw you hightailing it out of the gym like your ass was on fire.”

“Taylor happened,” I grumbled. “He started in on Ky within five minutes, and Ky ran out of the gym in tears. So I took her to a park and we just hung out by ourselves.”

“I saw that relationship status change. Gotta say I’m shocked. She doesn’t date. Anyone. Hell, she doesn’t even really have friends other than Melissa.”

I nodded. “I know. But I swear you’ll like her if you get to know her. She’s funny, she’s sweet, and she’s just a genuinely good person. I just…I wish I knew what happened to her, man. Or what’shappeningto her. Whatever it is, it’s not good.”

“I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “But if she’s this important to you, I want to get to know her better. She coming to the game on Friday?”

“I’m trying to talk her into it,” I chuckled. “She’s not really the biggest football fan. Though with the way the rest of the team treats her, I can’t say I blame her.”

“If you can get her to come, maybe we can hang out after. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Do you realize how pathetic it is that you have to make that promise at all, man? You’re better than this. Max Taylor is an asshole and a bully. I know you’re trying not to get on his bad side, but don’t stoop to his level in the process.”

“You realize he’s going to give you hell for going out with her, right?”

I shrugged. “I know. And I don’t care. She’s worth it.”

Almost like I’d conjured her up by thinking about her, Kyler walked in the gate. Wanting to see her before she went to her morning tutoring session, I headed in her direction, jogging to catch up and catching her arm to get her attention. But especially after what happened when I’d touched her unexpectedly yesterday afternoon, I should have known better. She stiffened and whipped around, her other arm raised like she was ready for a fight.

I hated to think this way, but with simple touches triggering her fight-or-flight instincts like this, I couldn’t help wondering if someone in her life was hurting her. Like – God forbid – her mom.

I wished she would trust me enough to tell me, because every time she flinched like this when I touched her, all I wanted in the world was to protect her from whatever – orwhoever – was making her react this way. But I knew she wouldn’t tell me if I just came out and asked her. She had towantto share it with me. All I could do was be patient and hope that, in time, she would trust me enough to let me in.

“It’s just me, Ky,” I murmured. “You’re safe.”

Kyler’s breathing slowed to normal, and she shook her head. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were there.”

“You never have to apologize for that, baby,” I told her. “Can I give you a hug?”

She chuckled weakly. “Yeah, of course.”

She closed the distance between us and wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head on my chest. I folded my arms around her and kissed her head, and she turned her face up to look at me. And that was an invitation I couldn’t resist.

I lowered my head and pressed my lips to hers, and suddenly we were the only two people in the whole world. The only thing that was real was the feeling of her lips and tongue moving with mine like we’d been doing this for much longer than a day and a half.

“Hi,” I chuckled when I stopped for breath.

“Hi,” she said, her cheeks turning bright pink and making my heart skip a beat. “Um, I’m gonna be late for tutoring.”

“I know. I just wanted to catch you before you went there. I couldn’t wait until first period to see this gorgeous face.”

She chuckled and stretched up to peck my lips again, and I swore I got actual butterflies in my stomach. Even after being her boyfriend for less than two days, I could tell she didn’t give physical affection easily. Every time she initiated it, it felt like a gift I couldn’t take for granted.
