Page 48 of Say It With Flowers

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“This isn’t some kind of payback, is it?” Neal stares into my eyes. “You’re definitely up for selling?”

I raise my head proudly. I may have just admitted defeat, but this last part was all on my terms. “I am. Get me the original papers and a decent amount of cash and I’ll sign today.”

He picks up his phone and taps out a message at the speed of light. I can guess the contents.

His phone bleeps quickly after.

“I’ve ordered a copy of the original. The offer is three times what you paid for it.” He shakes his head slowly. “Fuck me! Never saw this coming.”

I wave my hands. “Surprise!”

He reaches out a hand to pull me to my feet. I wait for him to say something, anything, but he’s silent, just looking at me intently.

Is he upset with me? I shrug. “So, you’ve won. You have Bouquets. Are you pleased?”

He holds my hands flat to his chest, and I can feel his heart beating beneath my palms. “It was never about the shop, Dani. You know that, right?”

“Don’t lie.”

He shakes his head. “I’m not. After that first visit, the day we met, it’s been about you. Everything I’ve done has been a ruse to get closer to you. Deal or no deal, all I really care about, and all I really want is you, baby.”

Tears sting at the corners of my eyes as I gaze up at him. “Really?”

He cups my face with his strong hands and presses a soft, tender kiss to my lips. “I love every beautiful, stubborn, sweet-as-sugar inch of you. Whether you sign the fucking contract or not. I’ll tear it up if that’s what you want? I just love—you.”

“You love me?”

My stomach flutters like a thousand butterflies have just taken flight.

“God knows how, but, fuck, yeah.”

He looks as startled by the revelation as I am.

“I’m going to cry.”

“With happiness, I hope?”

“Of course.”

I clutch his jacket, tears brimming in my eyes and spilling down my cheeks. He kisses them away one by one before kissing my lips again.

“Your tears are not that sweet as it goes.”

We both laugh, and the lighter moment lifts the serious mood.

I stare at him, melt my body against him, my arms looping around his neck.

I’m smiling and crying at the same time.

When we break away, his smile is wide, and his eyes sparkle with joy. In the reflection of his irises, I can see the pure delight on my own face as well. All this hard work, all this time I’ve stood my ground, it not only saved my shop... it has brought me love.

All the worry and heartache has been worth it.

I pick up the pen and pass it back.

“So, Dani,” Neal whispers, embracing me in his strong arms. Here, against his muscled chest, I feel shielded and safe and treasured. “Where do we go from here?”

I lean up to steal one more kiss that I wish would never end. If things go right, we will continue to share kisses for the rest of our lives. “You make me happy, Neal. Even when we butt heads. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. And even though it’s way too fast, and I don’t know how it happened, I think I love you, too.”

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