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But Ellie shook her head, shrugging. “No, I don’t know who it was.” A fresh rush of tears welled and she tried to blink them away before a few escaped. She wiped them with the back of her bandaged hand. “I—I’m not sure how I’m going to pay to get the window replaced. I don’t make a lot at the boutique and I already had to pay for my car…”

“I’ll fix it,” I said, wrapping up her other hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

Ellie stiffened. “No.”

“It’s not a problem. I can take care of it.” My brother and I had received a good inheritance when our adoptive parents passed away. We now owned most of the entertainment distribution company they started as well as the trusts they left us. Even though I wasn’t fighting anymore, I wasn’t in need of money.

Ellie pulled her hand away as I secured the last piece of tape on the gauze. “I don’t want you to take care of it. I don’t even want you here. I’m a mess and I don’t even know why I called you.”

I hardened my jaw as she finally looked at me. Stubborn girl. “Yes, you do,” I said. “You called me because you were scared. You called me because some asshole busted your window and you needed help. I can help, Ellie. Don’t fight me.”

Her eyes widened and we stared at each other in silence. A pink flush crept up her neck and that same, strange sensation flared in my blood; knotting in my stomach in a good way. I instinctively leaned toward her, the fresh scent of her shampoo tingled my nose. Ellie had been nothing more than my friend, but I’d always been aware of her beauty. It was hard not to be. Yet, something happened that night in the alley at Friday Fest. I don’t know if she had felt it too, or if I was just going crazy from one too many blows to the head, but something had changed. My skin heated as I leaned in even closer, so close her hot breath ghosted my skin.

The feeling welled in my stomach like boiling water and I realized what it was. Want. I wanted her so damn bad. My pulse rushed in my ears. This was Ellie Liles, my best friend since grade school. I shouldn’t think of her like I was right now, when she was so close and her skin so soft and warm and wet from the shower.


My brain fogged as my body acted on its own and closed the gap between us even more.

“Stop,” she breathed, but she didn’t move away. “We can’t.”

“Why not?” I rasped, swallowing a lump in my throat.

Her chest heaved with her rapid breaths. “Because you left, Ty. You left me and I know you’re trying, I’m trying too, but I don’t know if I can trust that you won’t do it again.”

Those words crush me, snapping me out of my haze. I knew that truth, but to hear it now brought me back to reality. This wasn’t right. I couldn’t be with Ellie…not like that.

I pulled back, clearing my throat and nodding. I hastily threw away the used cotton balls and put away first aid kit. There wasn’t anything I could say to defend myself. The only option was toearnher back. I let out a long breath and gingerly took her hands in mine, kissing them softly.

Then, I stood up and left. Because there was nothing I could do to make her trust me again. Definitely not tonight.

And maybe never again.
