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She swallowed and nodded. “I did.”

He reached behind her and unzipped the dress. When the collar opened and he slid the dress down her shoulders, he nipped and licked at her neck.

She held his head as he tasted each side of her neck. He suddenly gripped her neck in his jaws, and she whimpered and went limp in his grasp. He growled in approval and caught her. The dress slipped to the floor.

Heat spun out from the aching pressure, and her body began to twist with soft excitement.

He lifted her and settled her on the bed, releasing her throat and chuckling. “Ah, there is nothing like an omega.”

She caught her scent, and it wasthick.It was embarrassing, but he continued to tease and stroke her.

Brit was still wearing the lingerie, but he pulled her shoes off. To her surprise, he tickled her feet. She giggled and jerked away from him, but he grabbed each of her ankles and pulled them wide, stepping between them. Her giggles faded quickly.

She gasped as he leaned over her and nuzzled her neck.

His voice was deep. “You have no idea how happy I am that you agreed to stay with me.”

She smiled wryly. “Of course, I don’t. You are still wearing all your clothing, and your eyes are already red.”

He paused.

“You are still wearing your leather trench coat, shirt, belt, trousers, and shoes. Fully clothed. I don’t even know if you have any embarrassing tattoos. I really want to get used to your body, but I don’t know where you are hiding it.”

He chuckled. “That is a fair point. Just a moment.”

He stood up, walked to a chair across the room, and not only put her dress on the chair, but his jacket, then his shirt, and she rolled to one side to watch his hands on his belt. He kicked off his shoes, and she stifled her groan. “If you fold your socks right now, I might kill you.”

He chuckled and returned to her. “When you want the trousers off, tell me to take them off.”

She smiled and bit her lip. “Okay.”

He joined her on the bed and lay back with one arm extended to her. She took the hint and climbed over to him, cuddling against him. His body was warm, he smelled great, and his hand against her skin made her snuggle in closer.

He let out a low, shuddering sigh. “I haven’t slept since we first met.”

She looked up at him. “Why not?”

“If I slept, you might get further away. I needed to keep you close so the tracking would work.”


He ruffled his hair. “I kept your underwear. It is easy to track you with it.”

“That’s kinda creepy.”

“The fact that they look like an adolescent girl’s underwear? Yes. I just need a better scent marker for me to follow. I will get you something pretty.” He chuckled.

“You are obsessed with pretty things.”

“My mother’s influence. She told me that ladies prefer to have pretty clothing and silky things. Comfortable clothing has never been mentioned.”

“Well, in my family, we take comfort over style any day. Since I can change into anything and anyone. What they are wearing becomes my skin.”

“How does that work?”

“Stretching limbs and holographic projection. I have filaments in my body hair that split and show people what they expect to see. My body extends and stretches, and my brain rearranges to gain the activation that I have ingested.”

Her fingers were trailing over the hard muscles of his torso, the same silken black as the rest of him. She pressed her lips to his skin, and she licked lightly. It was like licking leather, but it tasted infinitely better.
