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He made a chuffing sound. “The language of the Sethir-Nin. It’s used so that those who want to intercept communications have no clue as to what is being said.”

“Oh, okay. As long as you don’t write me using it, things are fine.”

“I will teach you, or you will be given the language if we have children. Something that provides us with a tie together.”

She nodded and yawned. “If. Very big if. When I shift form, it is more than skin deep. I often lose my womb entirely.”

He stroked her cheek. “For the next week, can you not shift into a male body?”

She tilted her head. “I suppose so. Why?”

“To give your heat and my rut a chance to bear fruit.”

“If you think fruit is going to come out of me, the Sethir-Nin need better reproductive education.”

He reached down and lightly smacked her ass. “You are rather sassy.”

“So I have been told.” She yawned and leaned against him. “When are you going to go back to making people go away?”

He chuckled. “They won’t summon me for a few days at least. We respect the first week of a heat.”

She nodded and breathed in the clean scent of him until she fell asleep.

* * * *

Denier looked at his little mate, and he smiled. He had been quite rough with her, and she was recovering well.

He typed with one hand and let his mother know that she was fine, well taken care of, and when she woke, they would go out for something to eat. Or, he could cook. It depended on what his mate preferred.

His father jumped on the chat and asked him if he thought she was pregnant. He sighed,probably not.

His parents were silent for a moment, and then, his father said,Perhaps next time. With a new omega, there is often an adjustment period.

Denier smiled.I am willing to keep trying. Over and over and over.

His father answered,That’s our boy. I will be looking forward to seeing you both quite soon.

Take care of her, Denier. She looked a little nervous.

Yes, of course, I will.

He smiled, and they exchanged a few more pleasantries before he disconnected the chat. He got a message on his com from Etgar about where the hell he was and what did he do with Brittany.

He opened a com and spoke quietly. “Etgar? What do you need to know?”

“Where is Brittany? The Capitol City peacekeepers are threatening to come here in search of her. They want her back.”

Denier sat up, and Brit thudded to the bed. “Ow.”

“Like fuck they are getting her back. She’s mine.”

“Vallu’s brother is coming to start a search. I am trying to stall him. Brit is a highly sought-after commodity, Den. There are other organizations who want to get a hold of her for their own purposes, and the Capitol City government is freaking out.”

“Wait, has someone put a price on her?”

“Yes. Fortunately, they want her alive.”Etgar growled.“Unfortunately, six crime families have representatives that have just arrived.”

Brit clawed her hair back from her face as she sat up. “Oh, this again. This is the same reason they embedded the tracker, to begin with. If the peacekeepers always knew where I was, no one had a chance to snag me.”
