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“Do you know who?”

“Nope. My activation doesn’t leave a lot of evidence.”

He sighed. “Right.”

“The speedster was Terrence Novel. I have seen him before.” She grimaced, “But no one is going to see him again.”

“He’s definitely dead?”

“He’s blown into the harbour. No DNA traces left at that level.”

Denier frowned. “He was holding Brit?”

“Yeah, I gave her a heat shield, and she activated it when she saw me coming.” Litha chuckled. “She was right on time. The moment she disappeared under the wrap, I fried him.”

He smoothed a hand over the top of his canine head. “Aside from that, the day went well?”

“Yes. Oh, but because of the healing, if she is pregnant, she is about six weeks along now.”

He blinked, frowned, and then his expression cleared. “Khytten.”

“Correct. It’s a good thing that she and Baola and Lyric have been reunited. It makes calling for help for Brit less awkward.” She chuckled. “Salat seems delighted with his new role as a family man.”

“You know him?”

“I live in Aksalla. Of course, I do. I have been warned that if I destroy the wrong person, he will remove my head.” She shrugged. “Ready for dinner?”

“Yes, I will get Brit.”

She snorted. “I will get her. If you go, we won’t be eating until after midnight. The second that she started to relax in there, her scent got stronger.”

“I thought that when I marked her, the scent would be subdued.”

“It is. I can just sense parts per million. It doesn’t affect me, but I am aware of the particles hitting my skin.”

“So, you have experience with omegas?”

“Sure. My cousin is one. He’s got a nicely protective alpha, and they work together very well.” She grinned. “Put some water on the table, and we will be down in a moment.”

Litha headed up to the nest and chuckled when she observed the foot poking out of the furs and nothing else. She knelt next to the bed. “Brittany, dinner is ready.”

The lump shifted.

“And Denier is here.”

Litha laughed as Brittany sat up and rubbed her eyes. “He’s home? Is he okay?”

“He’s fine. I filled him in on your adventures.”

“Did you tell him...”

“Nope. That is up to you. Now that he is here, I can run out and get you a test if you like.”


Litha flicked her eyes toward Brit’s abdomen. “A test.”
