Page 191 of Unbroken

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Leo didn’t reply for a long time. His throat closed, his anger faded, but that panic resumed. He looked around them, catching the bodies coming in and out. He heard the laughter, the vapid conversations—he caught the eye of four different women as they paused to smile at him. Beautiful women. Women that he would have felt proud to have on his arm. The kind other men lusted after—

And yet he felt nothing—NOTHING—for them.

He smacked his head suddenly. His eyes were raw as he punched his head again, feeling so fucking frustrated all of a sudden because, “I hate what she’s done to me, Hunt. I hate that I can’t fucking look at a girl without thinking about her. I hate this. It’s like a fucking curse, Hunt. I’d turn it off if I could. I’d do anything to feel sane again because I know I’m not being fair. I know howcrazyI am!”

What the fuck was it about Skye?

He could see it from the outside looking in. Skye was beautiful, but there were plenty of beautiful girls. She was smart, but there were smarter girls. She was funny, but there were funnier girls.

Leo had never experienced another female’s company. Aside from that stick he kissed when he was thirteen, he never so much as batted an eye at another human being. He was lost to Skye Cross. She bewitched him, and he allowed it to happen. He had walked straight into it, had practically asked for it!

Fucking anything—he would have donefucking anythingfor that girl.

“She’s the love of our lives,” Hunter spoke quietly, looking equally wretched. “If it was just one of us…we’d be following the rules. We would have found the One and no one would have batted an eye.” He kicked his legs out, crossing them at the ankles as he dug for another cigarette. He popped the smoke into his mouth, and lit it up, adding, “But we aren’t following the rules, are we, Leo? And fighting about it isn’t getting us anywhere. It’s just making her more unhappy. We don’t want that, do we?”

Leo shook his head, sniffing back emotion. “No, we don’t.”

“So then let’s be fair.” Hunter looked at him. “How can we make this work?”

But Leo didn’t know. His mind raced with ways. “I don’t want to fuck her knowing you’ve been there.”

Hunter smirked. “You didn’t like feeling me, Leo?”

Leo glared at him. “I’d have preferred you be part of it if I’m going to be feeling your come.”

Hunter’s smirk faded and now he looked solemn. “I don’t like to share, Leo.”

“Then this won’t work, will it?” Leo returned swiftly. “If we want her, Hunt, we gotta put aside this possessiveness—”

“No,” Hunt cut in, stubbornly. “I’m a lot more traditional than I thought.I want her.I want to be able to feel like she’s mine, do you understand?”

Leo nodded. “I do understand because I want that for myself, too, but again, we’re sort of fucked, don’t you think?”

When Hunter didn’t respond, Leo reminded him, “We knew from the start we weren’t going to be getting what we want. That to be with Skye, it meant sharing her. Question is, do we want Skye so much that we can do that?”

Hunter frowned as he looked down at his smoke. His quiet unnerved Leo because Leo already knew his answer. He would do anything to have Skye. He loved her. He was addicted to her. But he knew, deep down, if Hunter wasn’t all in, she couldn’t be with Leo knowing she was hurting Hunter.

She’d walk away from them both if she had to.

Hunter squashed the untouched smoke and stood up. Leo jumped to his feet, watching him carefully as Hunt turned his head to the entrance of the clubhouse. There were a few bikers milling about, watching them and doing a terrible job of pretending they weren’t.

He sighed resignedly. “I can’t share her. I can’t have you touch her in front of me. I can’t…I can’t see that shit, Leo.”

Leo’s heart slowed, and before he could feel that crushing disappointment, Hunter added, “But I can’t be without her, either, Leo. She’s my other half. I can’t…I can’t blame her for loving you. I can’t punish you for loving her, either. I understand that we’re all in this together and it’s fucked up and my instincts are telling me to kill you just so I can be with her." He sighed again, this time slowly. "But I would never want to hurt her, and…deep down, I still love you like a brother.”

Hunter turned to face Leo, his expression torn but resolute. “If we’re going to do this, I want to have her for a period of time.”

“How long?” Leo demanded.

“At least a few months—”


Hunter’s cruel smirk returned. “These are my conditions.”

Leo fumed, but ever the gentleman, he swallowed down his curses and forced out, “How. Long.”

“Let me have her this Winter.”
