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“And just so you know, your friend, the not-gay guy who thinks you’re single.”

“Calvin, yes, what about him?”

“His name’s actually Flynn. He works for your brother. Told you there was something off about him.”

Anger flared up within me, all romantic thoughts going to the wayside. “He was a plant!”

“Afraid so. Your brother put him there, it was a deal to keep your father from sending guards. He told me while we chatted tonight.”

I didn’t know if I wanted to thank my brother for stepping in or be angry that he didn’t tell my father I didn’t need anyone period. Taking a deep breath in, I released it, trying to calm the anger simmering with me. This was our night, this was the night where our cards were being laid onto the table so we could move on fresh.

Swallowing the lump that was forming my throat, I decided to admit to him the one secret that I did have. Asher’s voice chimed in the back of my mind warning me to turn back before I made a mistake. He was going to make it right. No one would ever know. But I would know and that wasn’t a secret that I could keep inside any longer.

“Zack, I have something to tell you.”

Sliding his hands behind his head, he nodded. “Okay. What is it? I have to say I’m not sure how many more surprises my old man heart can take.” The way he was looking up at me, with affection in his gaze made my heart ache.

Sitting up, I ran a shaky hand through my hair. It was best to just get it said and let the chips fall as they may. “The night that I first approached you. It wasn’t by accident. It was my hazing dare for the sorority.”

His face remained unreadable as he lifted his brows at me waiting for me to continue.

“It wasn’t supposed to be more than a one-night thing. And as proof that we’d slept together, I had to take a picture of us together. I took the picture and sent it to Candace. When I realized the next day that you were my teacher I went straight to the sorority and had her delete it. The whole thing was a set-up and they knew all along you were a professor. It was childish and stupid and I’ve regretted it from the moment I took it and sent it.”

The silence in the room was deafening. If he didn’t say something soon, I thought for sure I’d die of anxiety. “Please, say something.”

“I already know.”

“Excuse me?”

“I know. Asher came downstairs while we were chatting and joined us. He told me.”

“Fucking Asher,” I growled. The bastard had promised not to say a word and then had the nerve to advise me to keep it to myself. I should have known better than to trust that snake. Well, he was on his own with his sister. Fuck Asher to hell.

“It’s being dealt with, we’ve discussed how it was going to be taken care of and I’m okay with how they’re going to handle it. So it’s not an issue.”

“I’m sorry.”

“But you told me. When I came back, I was hoping you’d fess up to it. Your family you can’t control but taking accountability for something you did takes someone of strong character and I respect that. We all make mistakes, some stupider than others, but it’s how we handle those mistakes that matter.” He sat up in the bed grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up onto his lap, then brushed a lock of hair back and out of my face. “And since we’re being honest with each other there’s something I need to tell you.”

Oh fuck.My heart sunk. God only knew what he was about to confess. I didn’t think I could take much more.

“I love you, Sophia. I’ve been feeling it for a while now, but I haven’t had the guts to make that leap and tell you.”

“You what?” I gave my head a little shake, thinking that perhaps I’d heard incorrectly. So much had happened tonight, I needed to hear it a second time just to believe it was true.

Zack chuckled, “I love you, you silly girl.”

Tears sprung to my eyes. I’d lived my life surrounded by people who didn’t know how to love. They’d say the words, but deep down you knew that they weren’t being genuine. The words were just being said because it was expected, not because there were actual feelings attached. But Zack… With Zack I could hear the love in his voice. I could see it in his eyes and feel it in his touch. I didn’t even attempt to hide the tears or brush them away as they streamed down my cheeks. I didn’t want to hide anything from him ever again.

“I love you too. With everything I have, I love you Professor Von.”

He chuckled, wiping the tears away with his thumb. “You had to go and make a special moment creepy, didn’t you?” he teased.

Throwing my arms around his neck, I pushed him down onto the bed straddling his hips. His dick immediately came alive between my legs. “So now what?” I asked brushing a kiss across his lips.

“Well, we’ll continue as we have been for the remainder of the semester. Then we’ll spend two sun-filled weeks on vacation together on Helka and after that… Who knows? Marriage, babies, a house in the suburbs. Who knows what the future will bring us but for right now…”

Grabbing my hips, he flipped me over onto my back. Giggling, I slipped my arms over his shoulder and wrapped my legs around his back. “Now…” I prompted.

“For now, I’m going to make love to you all night until you fall to sleep from exhaustion.”

Noting could have sounded sweeter to my ears. “Bring it on Professor.”
