Page 142 of You're the One

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Thoughts churned around inside her head as the wait dragged on. She told herself constantly he was all right, but fear nearly choked her. People arrived. Joe Trainer and Mr. Goldhirsh brought coffee and news that Simon Nicks was in custody.

“Olivia Tyler is telling anyone who will listen that she and Simon Nicks were never a thing, and she was just heartbroken to hear what he’d done,” Joe said in very good intimidation of her voice.

Nash had to be all right.

A doctor appeared and she got to her feet with Maggie and Fin.

“He’s in the emergency department and doing okay, Maggie. The wound was deep, but nothing vital damaged.”

“He fainted,” Luna said.

The doctor looked at her. “It happens when you lose blood fast.” He then turned back to Maggie. “If you want to see him, head down the hall, second door on the right.”

“Go.” Maggie waved Luna on.

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely. I’ll give you five minutes, then I’m following.”

She ran down the hall and pulled open the second door.

“Nash Winter?” she asked a nurse. She pointed to a curtain.

Luna eased it open. He was sitting on the side of the bed, shirt off, his arm was in a sling. His head resting on the wall behind him.


He looked at her, and then held out a hand.

“Are you all right?”

“Come here.”

“Nash, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t make me get off the bed and come for you.”

She moved closer.

“This is my fault. Simon was in town because of me.”

“He’s an asshole, end of story.” He gripped her wrist and tugged her closer. “And this is not your fault. It’s all on him.”

He pulled her between his legs and wrapped his good arm around her.

“Don’t move too much, I don’t want you to pull your stitches.”

“If you stay close to me, I won’t have to.” He kissed her softly. “I was wrong to leave you today, Luna.”

“No. You were worried about your family and horse. I understood that.”

“I was wrong, and should have taken you with me, but it wasn’t until I talked to my family, and then came home and found that note, that I allowed myself to acknowledge why. Acknowledge I was being a coward.”

Nash had his large hand on her head, holding her close. Her cheek now rested on his chest.

“Why?” She felt calm here in his arms. Calmer than she had since she’d left them this morning.

“Because I love you and I don’t want to live without you.”
