Page 62 of You're the One

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“You live in Chicago, I believe?” Mr. Goldhirsh said. “I’ve never lived in a big city, but I imagine it has its merits.”

“It does. I came to California on a scholarship when I was eighteen and lived there for years. Then moved to Chicago after I finished modelling.”

“That’s young to leave home.”

“It was, but I was the oldest of three, so I had to grow up fast after Mom died. I was ready.” She thought she’d been ready, when in fact she’d been young and innocent. Luckily, she’d wised up quickly.

“So, your mother died young, and you helped raise your brother and sister?”

“I had an aunt and uncle too. Dad had to work.”And drink.

“Must have been hard living away from your family?”

“It was, but I loved the training and facilities. The coaches made us work hard, but it was worth it.”

He asked her questions as they walked, and she told him the stuff Luna thought he’d like to hear. Snippets of her life when she was running track and modelling. There were plenty of other things she kept tucked away in her head that no one needed to know.

“You chose two hard careers, Luna. Both would take discipline and dedication to excel at, which clearly you did and had.”

“I’m someone that when I set my mind on something, I like to achieve it.” Luna waved at the two women jogging the other way.

“I’m heading to have lunch with my wife in A.S. Would you like to join us?” Mr. Goldhirsh said when they reached the main street.

“I have to visit with Chief Blake, but thank you.”

“Well, come and join us after then.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, and then he was gone. Leaving her standing there on the sidewalk wondering about this little town with the big heart.

Approaching the police station minutes later, she found Nash bent at the waist examining something. He hadn’t heard her approach.

“You need to stay in your nest, little buddy. Your crazy mother should know better than to build it here.”

He rose with something in hands—his words suggested a bird—then disappeared around the side of the building and out of her sight.

My heart did not just sigh.

The man put this front on that he was grumpy, but in fact he had a soft heart. Especially where animals were concerned. Deciding to leave facing him until she was with people, Luna went into the police station.

“Good morning, I would like to speak with Chief Blake. My name is Luna McKinley,” she said to the man seated behind the desk. He got to his feet so fast, his chair toppled over.

“I’m a huge fan of yours, Miss McKinley.”

He was about her age. His smile was nice and reached his eyes, and she thought that face would be an asset in his line of work, because it made a person feel calm and in safe hands. Looking at his name badge, she saw it said Dean.

“Thanks, Dean, that’s very kind of you.”

Nash had made her feel safe the night she’d been attacked.

He’d found her. She remembered opening her eyes and seeing him, listening as he talked, telling her she was okay and safe. He’d held her in his arms as they’d driven to the hospital, and she’d burrowed into him. Luna couldn’t remember all that much about those moments after she’d been attacked, but she remembered Nash.

“My wife loves your new face oil.”

“I’m so pleased she likes it. It’s still a new product to the market, but people are seeing and feeling the benefits already.”

“She does. We went through a few things for a while there, but we decided to follow your start-up exercise routine on Move with L.K. and that helped. We walk together when we can now, and if not move some furniture and do it in our lounge. It’s our time, we call it.”

“You doing any actual police work, Dean, or just falling all over Miss McKinley?” the man entering reception asked.

Not overly tall—in fact, Luna thought she may have an inch or two on him—he was one of those guys who carried authority well. Fit and lean, with an easy way about him. She could see how people would feel comfortable talking to him.
