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I take a step back.

And another.

But it only takes a second for Easton to open the door.

He holds it open for me, waiting.

My steps are slow and reluctant, but I enter the building, the door shutting behind me.

At least the lights are on inside.

I’m about to ask Easton again what we’re doing when I hear his voice.

“Sebastian,” I whisper.

Relief washes through me. If I can just see him, I’ll know everything will be okay.

My steps quicken, moving towards his voice, but when I round the corner, I grind to a halt at the sight.

Sebastian stands with his back to me, sweat staining the back of his shirt and his fists clenched at his sides. But that’s not what has the colour draining from my face.

A man sits in front of Sebastian, his arms and legs tied to the chair. His face is covered in blood, one of his eyes nearly swollen shut—the same blood staining Sebastian’s hands.

Stumbling back, I crash into Easton.

“Watch her,” he says to someone before joining Sebastian.

He’s so close, but my feet won’t move.

“Who ordered the hit?” Sebastian demands.

The guy spits at Sebastian, blood spattering everywhere.

A sickening crunch echoes through the empty space as Sebastian’s fist connects with his face, and I jump.

Blood soaks the guy’s grey t-shirt, and his head drops forward, a stream of red pouring from his mouth.

Sebastian grabs him by the hair, yanking his head back, and he groans in pain.

“Tell me!”

When the man only bares his teeth, Sebastian pulls his fist back before slamming it into the man’s face again. Then again. And the sound of bone crunching sends bile racing up my throat.

I jolt with each one, feeling the blows as if I’m the one receiving them.

I try to blink through my blurred vision as my head spins, but then all I can see ishimin front of me. His fists rain down on me, over and over and over again until I’m nothing but a pile of broken bones on the ground.

A phone rings behind me, but I can’t take my eyes off the scene in front of me, and heavy footsteps sound until they’re too far away for me to hear.

“I know it wasn’t a robbery. So who the fuck hired you?”

Sebastian’s voice tries to pull me back, but my vision flicks between the warehouse andhim.

A whimper falls from my lips.

“I don’t know!” the man yells.

A scream penetrates the air, and my heart crashes against my ribs when I see the knife sticking out of the man’s thigh, just above his knee.
