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Our meals arrive, and it’s even more delicious than the times Sebastian has brought it home for us.

“What made you get into photography?” Sebastian asks.

“My mum.” I smile softly. “She loved photography, but she never got the chance to pursue it professionally.” A lump tries to form in my throat, but I don’t let it. I never talk about them, but I find myself wanting to with him. “My dad gave me her old camera when I was seven, and I’ve loved it ever since. Though, I think he might have regretted that decision when I started photographing anything and everything whenever I could.”

“I doubt he regretted anything at all about that decision, Grace.”

Warmth spreads through me at his comment, especially after everything I did to him with the stalking and the photographs.

Sebastian refills our glasses, and I take a sip of the red wine, hints of sweetness bursting on my tongue.

“Sebastian, it’s been too long since you’ve come to visit!” an older woman says, stepping up to our table, her words carrying a thick accent.

“I was here three days ago,” he says.

“Ah, but you left so quickly,” she admonishes. Turning her attention to me, she asks, “Are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?”

Sebastian coughs on his wine and pats his chest. “Grace isn’t… she’s not my girlfriend.”

The womantskshim and grabs my hand, sandwiching it between hers. “So, you’re the one who’s been stealing my Sebastian,” she says, pinning me with a stare.

“Oh, I don’t… ah…”

While I’m trying to figure out a response, a grin spreads across her aged face, and she pats my hand.

Sebastian clears his throat. “Grace, this is Rosa. Rosa, Grace.”

“Rosa likeLa Dolce Rosa?” I ask, my gaze snapping to his. When he nods, I twist back to the woman who still has a hold of my hand. “Your food is amazing. It’s the best pasta I’ve ever had.”

“Grazie. I like her, Sebastian. You must bring your beautiful girl here more often.”

“She’s not—” Sebastian starts but gives up and sighs.

It might be the wine, but I swear there’s a slight red tinge to his cheeks. Rosa pats my hand once more before releasing it, only to pinch Sebastian’s cheek between her fingers. “Isn’t he handsome, Grace?Molto bello.”


If I thought there was a tinge of redness before, there absolutely is now, and seeing Sebastian blush is my new favourite thing. But I have to agree with her. Sitting there in his white shirt, unbuttoned at the collar and sleeves rolled up, I can’t deny how good-looking he is.

He shoots her a look, and she lets go of his cheek before patting the area and laughing. “Are you having dessert?” she asks.

“I think we need to get going,” Sebastian says, glancing at his watch. “We left Shadow inside.”

“Wait, wait,” she says before disappearing into the back.

I finish my glass of wine while Sebastian settles the bill. Rosa returns with two containers in hand, only handing them over after Sebastian promises to visit soon.

The alcohol in my veins leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, but the cool night air is enough to send goosebumps across my body.

My hand brushes against Sebastian’s again as we walk, and I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or my resolution to make the most of my remaining time with Sebastian, but this time I slide my hand into his.

My heart stops, waiting for his reaction, but after a moment’s hesitation, his hand closes around mine, kick-starting my pulse into overdrive.

It feels like only a minute later we’re at the car, and I mourn the loss of his touch. Sebastian opens the door for me to get in, then hands me the containers Rosa gave us.

Still feeling the loss of his touch, I eye the hand Sebastian has rested on his thigh and try to channel the same boldness I’d had on the walk back to the car. Although it doesn’t work out as well this time, and I get as far as the centre console before nerves stop me in my tracks. Sebastian must have caught sight of my movement and hesitation, though, because, in one swift move, he envelops my hand in his and brings it back to his thigh. The fluttering starts up in my stomach again, only this time, they feel like fireflies, the warmth building with every second that passes.

Despite being a Saturday night, it doesn’t take long to get back. Shadow greets us as soon as the doors to Sebastian’s penthouse open, and Sebastian takes Shadow back down to take him outside.

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