Page 109 of Flash Point

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Zeke tappedhis thumb against his leg, silently urging their hostess to hurry the hell up as Nicola fanned herself over to a closed door, waved her magic card near the proximity reader, and waited for the telltale sound of the electric strike unlocking.

She opened the door, flicked on the light switch, and led them into a large room that appeared to act as part storage, part workshop, and part office.

All the high-tech, elegant simplicity displayed in the other room had not carried over into this one. The utilitarian, no-nonsense space seemed to mock their outlandish costumes. Half-open wooden crates dotted the floors and other flat surfaces. A large magnifying glass anchored to a wide table that held various instruments and containers hovered over an oil painting the size of a cereal box. Metal cabinets and an L-shaped desk with stacks of paper and two enormous monitors lined one wall.

Take away the electronic devices and it would be a scene straight out of an Indiana Jones movie.

Nicola strode to one of the wide metal cabinets and pulled open the center drawer. Nestled inside were several more weapons. Each one had a manilla envelope attached to it via a jute string.

Although Zeke could have spent hours learning about each artifact, the one he sought wasn’t here. His chest constricted until he found it difficult to breathe. He turned away, wanting nothing more than to get out of this underground tomb.

They had what they came for. No sense in drawing out this charade any longer.

In his single-minded focus on leaving, he didn’t notice Liv bending over one of the wooden crates strewn about. As he stormed by, she grasped his cape, jarring him to a halt. The protest died on his lips when she smiled at him and held out her hand.

Without thinking, he curled his fingers around hers and allowed her to pull him closer to the crate.

“Look,” she whispered.

A wild pounding vibrated through his entire body. He wanted to. Sweet Mother, how he wanted to, but he couldn’t withstand another devastating blow.

He shook his head. “It’s not here.” She peered over her shoulder to ensure Nicola wasn’t within earshot before she said, “Once I’ve committed a piece to memory, I don’t forget it. Your research was quite detailed.” She squeezed his hand. “This is it.” When he made no move to see for himself, she said, “Trust me.”

He did, he realized. With his life.

But his hopes had been battered too hard and too frequently for him to muster a confirming smile. He crouched down and waited for her to brush back the rest of the packing material before peering inside.

When he did, every drop of blood in his head vanished, as his gaze roamed over Lupos for the first time. He swayed, dizzy with relief and happiness. His knees crashed to the concrete floor, and Liv’s hold on his hand tightened.

It was here. It was really fucking here.

An almost childish giddiness filled his chest. He looked at Liv, unable to temper his wide grin. He couldn’t think of anyone he’d rather share this moment with than her.

Not his brothers.

Not his mom.

And not Grams.

The only person he wanted with him was her. Liv.

If the depth of his feelings for her hadn’t been abundantly clear in her parents’ library last night, they were now. The fact should scare the shit out of him. Send him running into the next county.

Feelings like his led to engagement rings and weddings and children—and a lifetime of happiness.

Tears rimmed her eyes before she leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth. When she straightened, her eyes were clear. Intent.

She glanced between him and Lupos.

Do what you have to do, her eyes commanded.

Zeke stilled. Somehow, she had figured out his plan to swap out Lupos with the reproduction at his waist. She didn’t try to talk him into waiting until they returned to recover the doll later tonight. Somehow, she knew he wouldn’t be able to part from the heirloom once he found it. And Special Agent Olivia Westcott was giving him the green light.

Yeah, his feelings ran fucking glacier deep for this woman. But there was nothing cold about them.

She brushed the back of his hand with hers, then joined the others. For the next few minutes, she kept Nicola busy, going through drawer after drawer.

While he did what he had to do.

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