Page 91 of Despair

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Silence descended and Daisy knew they felt the same awkwardness she did. Not only was Daisy not a girly-girl, but she’d missed out on sister bonding with these two growing up. She wondered how close they’d all have become if things were different. Sloan popped the end of her dark braid into her mouth and chewed the end. Liza scowled at her as though it was a common habit but didn’t say anything. Then she turned her scowl on Daisy.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Daisy,” Liza clipped, her eyes wide. “For fuck’s sake. I know you’re our big sister, but for once will you do as you’re told and stop making the sacrifice play?”

“Sorry,” she mumbled.

“Promise.” Liza punched Daisy in the arm.

It hurt. “Ow.”

“Promise,” Sloan added, and gave Daisy a look that said she would punch Daisy too.

“Fine, I promise.”

“Good,” they both said.

Then more silence descended and Daisy fiddled with the blanket.

“You bored?” Sloan asked, straightening as though a great idea had hit. “I could get my gaming system for you and hook it up in here.”

Daisy gave her a small smile. “No thank you. I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

“You shitting me?” Sloan blurted. “You mean you’ve never gamed?”

“Wasn’t really allowed.”

“Fucking Julius,” Sloan snapped. “What a dickwad. Well, after all this, I’m going to show you how.”

Liza scoffed. “You can say no to that too.”

Sloan mocked her, “You can say no to that too. Mind your own beeswax, Liza.”

Liza rolled her eyes and then asked Daisy, “Where’s Axel?”

Whatever humor had danced in the air dissipated.

“I think he’s gone back to work,” Daisy mumbled.

Perhaps Liza could see the worry in Daisy’s eyes because her voice softened. “He’ll be fine. If he’s anything like Joe—”

“Or Max,” Sloan offered.

Liza glared at Sloan. “You didn’t even know what I was going to say.”

Sloan tossed some lint at Liza. “Just say it then.”

Daisy tried to hide her smile. She liked this ease between them. She liked it even more that they were including her and had the sense that in a few months time, if things ever settled down, Daisy would joke around with them just as much as they did now.

“What I was saying,” Liza continued. “Before I was rudely interrupted is that if Axel is anything like Joe, then he’ll need to feel useful.”

“That’s exactly what I thought you’d say,” Sloan snorted.

Liza met Daisy’s eyes. “Being the mate to a powerful woman isn’t easy. There are times Joe can be a real dick.”

“I’m more worried about his safety.”

“He’ll be fine. But, yeah, if anyone understands about the worry, it’s us. Also you should know, that even though we’re as gifted as we are, our mates can all be alphaholes sometimes. They blame it on our pheromones. Dicks. Point is, if you ever need to borrow my handcuffs to teach him a lesson, just let me know.”

“You’re serious?”
