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Not gettingan immediate response from Sofia caused something akin to a static sound in my head. I thought for sure that the flowers and note would be enough to have her call me at the least. Fuck, I’d even been honest about missing her. Yet I’d received nothing but silence from her.

Frustrated, I tossed my phone onto my desk and stood. It was an effort not to stomp across my home office so I could glare out at the afternoon sunshine. It was a crisp fall day, but those walking on the sidewalk below didn’t seem to feel the bite as they focused only on getting to their destination on foot.

Their hurried pace made me restless. It had nothing to do with wanting to see Sofia. The little brat was simply annoying me, making my plan to have her fall for me take longer than I had anticipated. She might have only met me the night before, but I’d been waiting for months. I wanted this over with so I could get back to my own country, surrounded by my people. Even if Oleksandr was a pain in the ass, I missed Olena and Yulia.

Once Sofia was with her biological family, and we’d produced an heir that shared both the Morozov and Davydov bloodlines, then I could relax. The debt I felt I owed Oleksandr for all that he’d done for me over the years would finally be paid.

Having Sofia as my wife, and starting a family with her—that was nothing more than a bonus.

Though I needed to take my time, the phone conversation I’d had with Oleksandr earlier that morning made that impossible. He wanted his granddaughter married and hopefully with child before the holidays. It was the timeline he’d insisted on before abruptly ending the call, which was his way of saying he wouldn’t listen to reason and expected me to follow through.

Had it been any other man, I would have already ground the asshole into dust. But this was Oleks, the only true father figure I’d ever had. Letting him down wasn’t an option. My sense of obligation to the man wouldn’t allow me to give him anything less than the perfection he demanded.

The fact that I was getting something I wanted at the same time was synchronicity.

My office door flew open behind me, and I turned, ready to tear the head off whoever had dared to step inside my domain without permission. Finding Sofia standing there, dressed in a long-sleeved dress that barely covered her ass, knocked the air out of my chest. The red heels she wore weren’t the same as the night before, but they were just as sexy.

I took a step forward, ready to back her against the door she’d just thrown open so hard it had bounced off the wall. Those silky thighs of hers would wrap around my waist, and those heels would fall off as I fucked her against the thick, hard wood.

But then she planted her hands on her hips, her nostrils flaring in a way that was refreshingly adorable. The icy flames flaring in her blue eyes, however, were anything but. They screamed danger, and that excited me even more. My dick was already straining to be set free, only to be sheathed in the tight haven between her legs.

“How often do you have female visitors if your house staff doesn’t even blink when I show up at your door, asking to see you?” she demanded.

The jealousy I heard in her voice pleased me, making it hard to fight a grin.

“Was this before or after you gave them your name,dragotsennyy?” I asked, trying to mask my amusement.

Her brows pinched together in thought. “I may have told them who I am,” she muttered, but she quickly amped up the white-hot blue flames in those incredible eyes of hers. “Stop distracting me. You can’t send me sweet notes about missing me and all that utter bullshit and then let just anyone with a pussy into your home.”

“And why is that?” I challenged with a smirk.

“Why?” Her voice dropped low. It was a dangerous, feminine sound that made my cock twitch. “You ask why after sending me a note that said I ensnared you and caused something strange to happen to your heart? Do you do that a lot, Zakhar Morozov? Are there a dozen cards just like that floating around the city?”

“Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you’re angry?” I murmured, crossing the room to her.

She made a disgusted sound and started to turn for the door she’d stormed through only moments before. “I should have known you were too good to be real.”

The hurt in her voice wiped away every trace of my amusement. I caught her around the waist just as she started to step over the threshold, and I jerked her back against me. “You are the first woman—with the exception of my mother and sister—I have ever sent flowers to. I meant every word on the card, Sofia. A card that was meant solely for you.”

A sexy little huff left her, but she melted back into me. “You’re a jerk, you know that?”

I skimmed my nose up her neck, inhaling her subtle floral scent. The shiver that raked her entire body only made my dick that much harder. “Am I?”

“Yes,” she snapped, then moaned when I scraped my teeth over her earlobe. “You aren’t allowed to make me jealous ever again. I don’t like this feeling.”

“I promise never to give you cause to be jealous from this moment forward,” I vowed. My hand around her waist traveled lower until I rested my fingers just above the mound of her pussy. Her gasp sent sparks of electricity through my blood. “But I require a promise in return.”


“I don’t feel any panties, Sofia,” I growled against the shell of her ear. “It drives me crazy thinking of you walking around this city with nothing covering this pussy.”

I moved my hand lower until I was cupping her. The dress hiked up, only protecting a portion of her from my hand. I could feel how wet she was, how bare. She was so smooth that I knew she waxed. My own jealousy spiked through me. “Who has seen this pussy,dorogaya? Tell me, who has touched this hot, wet wonderland?”

A choked sound left her, but instead of answering me, she tilted her hips against me. The little minx tortured me by rubbing her sweet ass over my pulsing cock. “Who has seen this anaconda, Zak?” she challenged. “Who has been on their knees, sucking this cock?”

“I fear if I give you names, you will do as I want to do, should you tell me who has touched what is mine.”
