Page 63 of The Dating Pact

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Joy:No way. That cute couple at the nursing home?

Indie:Yup. And guess who got them together?


Indie:Yes! I’m a bona fide matchmaker. It only took one missing dessert, a stolen shoe, and a teeny white lie

I snorted.

Quinn:I caught up with some college friends

Quinn:And my sister and I convinced our mother to sign up for a speed dating event

Indie:Are there costumes involved?

Quinn:No. It’s for mostly corporate types

Indie:Too bad

Joy:The boys and I had fun at my sister’s place. Lots of card games

Joy:Thank goodness they finally moved on from Chutes and Ladders. I hate that game with a passion

Indie:Ev, you’re awfully quiet. How was your Thanksgiving?

I smiled,remembering the special moment that Wyatt and I shared.

Me:It was really nice

Indie:Nice? That’s all we get?

Me:The apple pie was a hit! Thanks for the recipe Joy. Even Dad liked it

Joy:Awesome. The secret’s in the mix of sweet and tart apples. It makes for a more balanced taste

Indie:Forget the pie! What about Wyatt?

Indie:Did your brothers rake him over the coals?

Me:Ben tried to, but Wyatt’s a good guy and they know it

Me:He told me he loved me

Indie:And what did you say?

Me:That I loved him too

Joy:I’m swooning!!!!!!!!

Indie:I knew it. I called it!

Quinn:I’m so glad for you two. Wyatt seems like such a sweet guy

Indie:On that happy note, I’m off to bed. Goodnight, girlies!

Indie:Knitting club celebration at our place this Thursday?

Joy:Sounds like a plan. And if anyone’s free, Everly and I are painting a wall on Wednesday night @ 6
