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The second a female voice floats down from the front door Dad just got up to open, excited tingles erupt in my belly.

I love both my dad and uncle dearly, but if I have to endure one more programme watching a couple of greasy dudes restoring old cars, I’m legit going to scream.

“How’s our girl doing?” Stella asks, getting closer with every word.

“Pain in the arse, like usual,” he mutters lightly.

“Same can be said for you, old man,” I shout back, making Cruz laugh.

I stand the moment Stella emerges around the corner, followed by Calli and then my dad.

They both say hi to Cruz before focusing on me.

“We brought coffee and doughnuts.”

“Hell, yes,” Cruz barks out.

“For Emmie,” Stella quips. “Sorry, VP.” She winks cheekily.

“Go hang out with your friends, Em,” Dad says, dropping down on the other end of the sofa again and hitting play on his boring-arse TV show.

“I don’t need telling twice. Laters, losers,” I shoot over my shoulder as I head for the stairs.

Footsteps behind me confirm they’re both following instead of continuing to stand and drool over my dad and Cruz.


“So they seem to be getting on better,” Stella says as she closes my bedroom door behind them both.

“Yeah, they seem to be bonding nicely over my disastrous life.”

“They just needed a common cause to fight for,” Calli suggests.

“Maybe.” Although I can’t deny that whatever Cruz put in that letter he asked me to deliver to Dad before his wedding seemed to have some impact.

I didn’t ask about it. I figured it was none of my business, but I did see Cruz’s name light up Dad’s phone while we were in that cabin, so I could only assume the letter had broken the ice. I was glad. From the stories I’ve heard from both sides, they were close growing up despite the years and differences between them. It was only after Piper turned Dad’s life upside down and he walked away from the club, leaving Cruz next in line to take over, something he’s always been bitter about.

“Whatever it is, it’s nice to see them getting on.”

“You think it’ll last?” Stella asks, opening the box of doughnuts and filling my room with the mouthwatering scent of sweet goodness.

“I hope so,” I say, practically diving for the box and grabbing what I hope is the salted caramel one from the selection.

Stella’s frustrated groan tells me that I’m right.

“You snooze you lose, Princess,” I mumble around a mouthful of soft fluffy dough. “Oh my God, this is so fucking good.” My cheeks heat at just how desperate my voice sounds.

“Jesus, Em. Should we leave you alone with that thing?” Calli jokes.

Laughter sounds out around my room and I can’t help but smile. I always wondered what it would be like to have friends like these two.

The reality is way better than I could ever have imagined.

Or it was until Stella opens her mouth again.

“You heard from Theo?”
