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His Lordship: Just remember how inferior it will feel compared to the real thing.

Unable to stop myself, I start typing.

Emmie: Aw… you still hard and lonely?

I chuckle as I hit send and see it’s read immediately.

Stabbing a piece of shredded beef, I pop it in my mouth, only for me to choke on it two seconds later when a photo appears on my screen, proving that my previous comment was bang on the money.

Emmie: Jerking off in the school toilets. That’s desperate, Cirillo.

His Lordship: Would you rather I do it in class?

I’d rather you do it over me, but whatever.

I roll my eyes at myself.

You’re nothing but a shameless slut, Emmie Ramsey.

I’m still trying to come up with a witty comeback that isn’t my previous thought when the door slams open and heavy footsteps march into the room.

“Oh fuck,” I squeak, trying to close that image down so fast that my phone tumbles from my hand and lands right at my visitor’s feet. Screen. Side. Up. “Shit.”

Reaching out, I snatch it up before letting my eyes roll up the giant body before me. I want to legitimately die with every inch I take in as realisation hits me.

“Hey, Cruz, how’s it going?” I ask, not sounding like myself in any way.

“Emmie,” he growls, a smirk twitching at the corner of his lips.

“The last ten seconds didn’t happen, okay?” I say in a rush, pocketing my phone while wishing the ground would swallow me up.

If it were anyone else—okay, maybe not Dad—then I could probably play this off, but fuck. My uncle blatantly just saw Theo’s dick pic on my phone.

“So,” he says, pulling out the chair opposite me. “I hear you’re having an exciting day.”

My cheeks burn red hot as his eyes hold mine, amusement dancing within them.

“Gunner sent you the video then.”

“Yeah. You killed it, Em.”

“I lost.”

“You almost beat Cirillo’s arse. You didn’t lose fuck all. You should be proud.”

“It’s all the training you guys have been giving me.”

“Well, I’m glad it’s paying off. Clearly, he enjoyed himself.” Cruz winks.

“Don’t,” I snap, holding my hand up. “Just… no. No.”

Silence falls around us and I squirm in my seat as his eyes burn into me.

I begin poking my food around the plastic container it was delivered in, hoping this awkwardness dissipates sometime soon.

“Your dad told me about Oxford.”

“I’m not going. Why does everyone other than me think it’s such a good fucking idea?” I snap.

“Maybe because it is.”
