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"I would appreciate your swiftest work though please do not hurry into any mistakes," the Earl said with a smile. "Shadow here is my most treasured friend."

"I'll treat him as royalty, my lord," the farrier promised and so, Thomas left his stallion in the man's capable hands, assuring the man that he would find the second half of his payment awaiting him in the nearest tavern once the job was complete. He then headed directly there, hoping to rest his aching feet and find something to fill his stomach before beginning his journey once more.

It was upon a window table, sitting alone, that the Earl sat enjoying a bowl of rabbit stew and an ale when a young lady approached him. Thomas could tell what she was just from the looks of her.

He had seen plenty of her like in his time, had even been with one or two in his youth, and yet her arrival now made him cringe as she offered a curtsey and asked, "My lord, forgive the interruption but it is a dreadful shame for one so handsome as yourself to eat alone."

I would rather be alone,Thomas thought though he offered the woman a polite smile, discreetly taking only a glimpse of her overly ample breasts before he stated, "I am happy to eat alone, though if you are hungry, you are welcome to join me."

"And if I am not hungry for food, my lord?"

Thomas gritted his teeth. As a gentleman, he would not be hostile toward the woman, even if he found her flittering close by as annoying as that of a fly. He knew well why she had targeted him. Though he wore fairly plain riding clothes, he was almost certain that every man, woman, and child in the village was aware of who he was.

His father, having been a great patron to many of the villagers’ businesses, was well known and he in turn had been forced to make himself known also, especially as the new earl taking over his father's old patronages, at least those he deemed worthy.

There was a time when Thomas might have enjoyed this woman's company to her full extent. He would have taken liberties in exchange for coin as many a young nobleman had been known to do, if discreetly.

Yet today, and for many weeks previous, he had found himself growing tired of such things, all too aware of how any such scandal might affect his earldom. He was all too able to imagine what his father might say now that he was watching him from on high.

All the same, with one more glance at the woman, he was aware of her need. Though she did indeed have large, ample breasts, he could also see the sharpness of her collarbone and the paleness beneath her rouge that suggested she was quite malnourished.

It was not a porcelain paleness and she had not hidden the dark circles beneath her eyes very well. Taking pity upon the young woman, Thomas reached into his purse and produced a silver coin.

"You may eat and rest for the next few days without fear of another man," he announced, handing the coin to her. When she took it, he gripped her hand around the coin and added firmly, "Be sure to use it on nothing but food and board."

He saw the way she gulped down a lump in her throat and the way her pretty green eyes widened, as if she was fearful of what he might do if she chose to ignore his words. Then, she quickly snatched her hand away as though the coin in her palm was her only lifeline.

"Thank you, my lord," she said, curtseying low before she scurried away in the direction of the bar. Thomas was at least pleased to see she had the intelligence to order food and place her name upon a room for the night. When she glanced back at him with a smile, he offered one back and returned to his own meal.

It was shortly after he had finished that the farrier's boy arrived to tell the Earl his father had reshoed his horse. Thomas drained the last of his ale, sucking in a deep breath to ready himself for what remained of his journey before following the boy who could not have been more than ten out through the front of the tavern. Just as the boy had said he would be, Shadow was tethered to a hitching post outside.

"Did you bring him here all on your own, boy?" Thomas asked, astonished at the fact that such a scrawny young lad could possibly have handled his great black stallion all the way from his father's workshop.

"I did, me lord," the boy responded, looking quite abashed. Though Thomas knew that the boy had likely been sent in the hopes of wheedling a little more coin from his purse, he had to admit the boy's feat was quite impressive. After giving the boy the payment for his father's work, he took out a copper and placed it in the boy's other hand. "Be sure to keep this one for yourself, young man."

The boy's eyes widened, brimming with pride as Thomas ruffled his scruffy head and sent him on his way. Though he had only eyed his horse's hoof from a distance, he was certain the farrier would not be foolish enough to make a mistake.

It was not as if he could hide from an earl if he were to come looking for recompense. Yet as soon as the boy was gone, he lifted the horse's leg, pleased at Shadow's obedience, and examined the new shoe more closely. The workmanship was fine, and Thomas quickly found himself on his way again, though he was all too aware of the late hour.

Although the day was still bright, the summer air had begun to cool and there was a haziness suggesting that the sun would likely soon be descending toward the horizon. It would not be long before Kendall's guests were ushered into the dinner hall and the last thing Thomas wanted was to arrive during dinner. He would most certainly not allow his late father that pleasure, not after all that had already gone wrong.

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