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Chapter 3

Moments after her mother's announcement, there was a knock upon the drawing room door. In entered the Kendall’s butler wearing livery similar in colour to the footmen, though the cut and style caused him to look far more important, as did the way that he carried himself with pride and dignity into the room, one hand behind his back as he bowed to his mistress and announced, "My lady, forgive the interruption, but your other guests are beginning to arrive."

Nancy looked particularly gleeful as she rushed to her feet. Then, seeming to remember herself, she quickly smoothed down her dress and corrected her hair before turning to Alice and suggesting, "Perhaps you might join me on the front porch to welcome everyone?"

"Should not that be your husband's duty?" Alice asked with a raised eyebrow, her suspicions already beginning to pique. Had something happened between Nancy and Owen that prevented him from joining them? She had rather hoped to see and congratulate the man who had made her friend so happy yet now she was uncertain as to whether that was even the case.

"Lord Kendall is a very busy man," Lady Skeffington announced on Nancy's behalf, almost as if she knew something that Alice did not. "I am sure he shall join us when he is ready. Until then, Alice and I would be glad to help you with greeting your guests, Lady Kendall."

Alice cringed at her mother's warning glance, a glance that told her she had spoken out of turn, and she should never question a woman as to whether everything was alright in her marriage, even if it was her best friend.

I must remember to ask her in private next time,Alice thought, though she knew that she had not really asked anything directly. Her mother knew her well enough to know what she had been enquiring about.

She knew that her daughter had a way with words, a way of asking questions without truly asking them so that no member of the Ton could ever truly take offense or object to her. Her father called it a gift and yet it did not seem to please her mother as it had once done.

Perhaps, it’s because it has gotten me out of some sticky situations with gentlemen that she would rather have me stuck in,Alice realised as everything once again seemed to come full circle to her parents wish for her to finally be married. It was times like these that she found herself wishing she was not an only child.

"Of course, we would be delighted to offer our assistance," Alice assured her friend.

Nancy had already begun to reach for her hand, pulling her close so that they could link arms to walk from the room, quickly followed by the butler when Alice's mother called after them, "I shall catch you up."

Alice was beginning to feel more and more as though she was somehow being led into a trap and yet there was nothing she could do. Nancy's grip was practically vice-like as she led Alice from the drawing room, through the hall, and out onto the porch.

The moment that they stepped out, Alice was instantly taken aback by just how many carriages had begun to appear. There was one parked at the bottom of the porch steps with a line of five more parked all the way down the lane, waiting for the one at the head to move so that they could take their turn to deposit their patrons.

Each driver stared dead ahead, fixed solely on the task at hand, and yet each one of them looked quite content. Not for the first time Alice found herself wishing she were one of them, a servant able to disappear into the shadows, forgotten by the Ton and left to her own devices.

"Are you quite well, Alice?" Nancy asked, still gripping Alice's arm firmly as though she thought she was ready to take flight. The truth was that Alice had thought about it the moment she saw the carriages. She was sure she'd had quite enough of the Ton this Season and she had not quite realised just how many people Nancy had invited to visit.Yet another thing she did not embellish,Alice thought, stifling a grimace.

Her only relief was the sight of the gentleman who stepped out of the very first carriage looking quite pleased with himself, as he always did, especially now that he was the cousin of a viscountess. A few inches taller than Alice, he was the picture of a perfect gentleman, neatly groomed with dusky brown hair, cocoa brown eyes and a handsome, friendly face.

"Cousin Philip! It is so wonderful to see you and quite on time for a change!" Nancy greeted him warmly with an embrace and a kiss upon each cheek, something she claimed she had learned during her honeymoon in France and had quite taken a liking to with her close family and friends.

"It is grand to see you also, Viscountess Kendall,” Philip greeted her in return with a sly and playful smile, knowing exactly how she would take his formality.

"Oh, Philip, we are cousins. You must continue to call me cousin," Nancy scolded him, tapping his forearm only gently to show her distaste.

"Of course, Cousin Nancy, I would not wish to get on the wrong side of a viscountess." He chuckled with playful mocking before he turned instinctively to Alice and added, "And I see that your much more beautiful shadow is at your side as always."

Instinctively, Alice offered the dusky haired gentleman her hand. She was unsure whether it was instinct or genuine embarrassment at his compliment but either way, she began to blush and even giggled when he leaned down to press his lips to her knuckles.

Nancy feigned offense at her cousin's words, yet she looked quite pleased with herself as Alice announced, "It is terribly good to see you, Mr Tulk. I do hope that you are well."

"I am, thank you, Miss Skeffington. I hope that you are too and that my cousin has not been boring you to death with talk of her recent marriage," Philip responded, offering his cousin a mischievous smile. Alice was once more relieved, knowing that whatever Nancy and her mother decided to throw at her this week, it would be made ever more bearable by Philip's presence.

He had always had a way of cooling both his cousin's and Alice's mother's attention on her, perhaps because in part they always hoped something might blossom between he and Alice. Though she was sure she would be quite content with the gentleman as her husband, she was aware it would be a marriage of friendship and nothing more.

We both truly deserve more than that,Alice reminded herself, not for the first time.

"The two of you must spend some time together this week," Nancy announced, placing a hand upon her cousin's shoulder as she added, "Perhaps you will escort Alice on a walk of the gardens as I have yet to give her a full tour." Alice blanched at that. After an hour touring the house, she could not imagine how much more there was to see. "Chaperoned, of course," Nancy added with a brilliant smile and Philip began to nod.

"I would be happy to," Philip responded, offering his cousin a smile before addressing his next words to Alice, "If Miss Skeffington shall have me."

"I can think of far worse ways to spend my time," Alice responded without truly giving an answer. It was not a lie. There were far worse gentlemen she could choose to spend her time with. Philip, being one of Nancy's cousins, was a safe bet indeed and one that would at least keep her mother happy, and likely her father as Alice was certain her mother would be reporting back daily.

"Cousin Philip, perhaps you will allow one of my servants to escort you to your rooms for the week?" Nancy suggested, gesturing forward one of the male servants who was standing to attention close by. "I must greet the rest of my guests, but I am sure we shall find plenty more time to talk."

"Of course, dear cousin, I would not wish to keep you," Philip insisted, offering his cousin a bow before he turned to Alice and bowed once more, adding, "Miss Skeffington, it has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance once more and I shall look forward to our tour of the gardens."
