Page 34 of Hollywood Hotshot

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Groaning her frustration as it escalated, he quickly rolled her over. Pulling her shirt off, she unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. Her heavy breasts and hardened nipples ached for attention, but there was no time. She reached for her panties, but Taylor’s hand seized hers. He drew it away but kissed the palm before freeing it.

His lips searched out her ear. “My turn.” He reached for the panties and shimmied them off, taking her sandals off with them.

The bed dipped with his weight again as he lay down beside her. Not touching, they faced each other. He took her hand, interlacing their fingers. Bringing it to his lips, he alternated licking and sucking each digit while his eyes seared into hers. Sending a quiver down her spine, he started up the inside of her arm, pausing at the elbow before sliding over to her breast.

Patience running out, Roberta eased his chin up and captured his lips, rolling into him, her body, her lips, and her tongue trying to ignite his passion further. She wanted him, needed him, and intended to make him as crazed for her as she felt for him. He reached out, threading his fingers through the silky strands of her hair.

Like silk encased marble, his arousal overfilled her hand as she stroked him. His lips broke from hers to groan aloud. When his head lolled, she nudged him on his back and positioned herself above him.

“So delicious, so beautiful,” she cooed, unable to stop herself from enjoying the hardness of him. Her tongue found the ridge running down the underside of his cock and explored it. He quivered as her tongue circled around and back and forth across the head, a bead of fluid seeping up as she continued to stroke the length of him.

Fingers raked her hair, gripping tighter and pulling, “Roberta, stop,” he choked out. “Please, stop.”

She didn’t want to stop; she wanted to taste him and let him fill her mouth with his salty essence. Bring him to completion with her tongue and hands, revel in the glow of pleasing him beyond measure. But before she could ignore him, his hands pulled her head up. His eyes were glazed as they met hers.

“Enough. I want to be inside you.” The fervor of his wish sent a tidal wave within her. It was foolish to fight it any longer.

The sound of a packet tearing told her he was truly ready. Roberta rose and bent over the mattress. A soft chuckle sounded behind her as he eased between her thighs.

The tip of him rubbed across the slickness, opening her like a tulip blossom. As she leaned back, one smooth, steady stroke had him filling her completely, his one hand around her waist.

Holding her weight on her elbows, her breasts swayed at their slow pace of giving and receiving. His hand squeezed one, pinching the peak enough to elicit another deeper moan before reaching for her mound. Caressing it as he increased his pace, Roberta could do nothing but press backward, meeting him with each advance. The gliding and stroking accelerated until they both erupted in spasms of exquisite pleasure.


“O.M.G! You’re kidding!” Sara breathed, jerking upright in her chair, the sudden movement sloshing iced tea over the rim of her glass.

“Nope.” Roberta said, popping the P with her lips. She could feel her grin spanning ear to ear as she sat back in her own chair, watching the incredulity dancing across Sara’s face. After three rounds last night, she was a little tired and a little sore. The kind of sore that came from being well-loved. She was looking forward to feeling that way again.

Sara stretched forward, napkin in hand, wiping the puddle of tea off the Formica-topped kitchen table. Speechless a minute, she digested the news. “So, let me get this straight, you didn’t have sex with him the night of the doggy pool fiasco, but you did the night his own mother tried to warn you off him?” Sara asked.

“Well, if you must know all the details, our first time together was after watching the charity football game.”

“Are you freakin’ crazy?”

Her question caught Roberta mid-swallow. Iced tea spewed from her mouth, erupting across the table at Sara. Coughing on the residual liquid in her throat, Roberta swung aside in her chair and doubled over. Once she caught her breath, she turned back to face Sara. “Hey—you were the one who told me to think with my lady parts!”

Napkin out once more, Sara wiped at the spattered mess on the tabletop, then wiped her face and arms, all without uttering a word. She placed the napkin beside her glass, folded her hands on the table, and said, “Yeah, but honey, not when Mama Bitch is in town to protect her pup.”

Roberta stopped dabbing her mouth with her napkin, her eyes narrowed, and her brows furrowed. “Remind me not to listen to any of your advice again.”

“That’s not advice, honey. That’s common sense.” Sara glared at her. “What about your manuscript? Has he mentioned returning it yet?

Roberta’s eyebrows pinched together as she frowned. “No. No mention of it.”

“So, he’s placating you with sex?”

Her eyes widened at Sara’s words, her throat going dry. When she found her voice, she muttered, “That S.O.B.!”
