Page 22 of Wild Weekend

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Travis quickly slipped on protection and settled between her     legs as the lust kicked hard. Victory and gratitude rushed through his veins,     but when he held Christine’s gaze, he was humbled by her trust. He was going to     do everything he could to be worthy of it. Worthy of her.

Travis grasped her hips and sank into her welcoming body. He     tilted his head back as the primitive instincts stormed through him. Christine’s     eyes glimmered with stark need as she bucked beneath him.

The fascination he felt for this woman almost scared him. He     thrust into her and shuddered at the sound of her earthy groan. He knew once she     submitted to him that she would reach a new level of pleasure. He thrust again     and watched in awe as Christine climaxed in his arms.

She hid nothing. He saw the reckless spirit in her eyes as she     went wild beneath him. She was fire—primal, uninhibited beauty.

He couldn’t hold on for much longer, but he wanted more. He     needed more time to explore this connection and this woman. As the scorching     pleasure ripped through him, Travis knew he had to convince Christine to     stay.

* * *

THE NEXT MORNING, Christine stared at the alarm clock on the bedside table     and swallowed back a groan. I’m late. This is a disaster. I         can’t be late.

The words rushed through her mind as she hurriedly buttoned up     her white long-sleeved shirt and shoved the long hem in her navy blue pants. How     could this have happened? She was never late. She always woke up at dawn and had     everything prepared ahead of time to ensure an easygoing morning.

But last night wasn’t routine. If she took a man like Travis to     her bed every night, she wouldn’t seek adventure elsewhere. Her skin tingled and     her stomach clenched as she remembered how he had touched her. She had never     slept with a man as sexual, as tender or as knowledgeable as Travis Cain.

She hadn’t been able to keep her hands off him. He didn’t seem     to mind that she woke him up several times throughout the night to make love. It     was almost as if she needed to be certain it hadn’t been a dream.

And this morning, she had woken up as the sun streaked through     the gap in the curtains. This time she didn’t awaken Travis. Instead she’d lain     next to him, cherishing the moment, holding on to the fantasy until she had to     get up and get back to reality.

Christine reached up and gathered her hair in a tight topknot     as she studied Travis in her bed. The bedsheets were startlingly white against     his golden-brown skin. He was sprawled across the mattress, his arms     outstretched and his feet dangling off the corner.

The blanket was a tangled mess and barely covered his hips. She     couldn’t stop staring at his powerful thighs and tapered waist. Her fingers     itched, eager to caress his well-defined abdominal muscles.

He was gloriously male and naked. She missed seeing his body     last night. They hadn’t taken the time to turn on the lights. Christine had felt     the crisp curls on his broad chest and heard the strong beat of his heart when     she curled up against him. She hadn’t seen the dark stubble on his jaw, but her     lips were still red from the friction.

Christine paused. She rubbed her hand against her collarbone     and her fingers brushed against her neckline. She was tempted to shed her     clothes and crawl back in bed. Why shouldn’t she miss her flight? No one was     waiting for her at home. The bank could survive a day without her.

What was she thinking? She had allowed a man to distract her     from her plan before. She wasn’t going to let it happen again. Christine pulled     at her collar and realized she had released the top button. She quickly fixed     her top and marched to the bathroom. She scooped her toiletries into her arm and     hurried back to her suitcase.

After all, this was a one-night stand. Nothing more. She’d     never had one before and didn’t know the rules, but Travis wasn’t looking for a     relationship. He knew she was returning home today.

And if she extended her vacation, she would only find     disappointment. At the moment Travis found her interesting. Anyone could pretend     to be for a couple of days, but she couldn’t maintain her sophisticated persona     for much longer. She had already slipped up multiple times and it was only by     incredible luck that he hadn’t noticed. It wouldn’t take him long to realize     what kind of person she truly was—an average woman who dreamed big but lived     small.
