Page 21 of Wild Weekend

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She wanted to live out this fantasy but she wasn’t very brave.     Not in Cedar Valley and not in bed. It was easier to act as if her fantasies     didn’t exist than to go after them. She wished it wasn’t so difficult to     surrender to the moment.

“There’s no one else,” she said.

Travis bent his head and gave her the gentlest of kisses. His     mouth grazed hers and color exploded inside her. She parted her lips as her     breath hitched in her throat.

If his kiss had been hard and demanding, she would have pulled     away. She would have told him she had changed her mind and asked him to leave.     It would have been her biggest regret, but this kiss proved that Travis could be     a tender and patient lover.

She slowly pulled away. Her heart pounded in her ears. She felt     as though she was letting go of something safe and solid. Taking a risk that     could have her soaring or falling. “Come inside,” she whispered.

Her pulse skipped a beat as she reached for his hand. Christine     entwined their fingers, hers looking small and pale next to his. The sight made     her heart twist. She wanted to hold on to him. Become one with him.

Christine looked into Travis’s eyes. She saw the desire and the     hope. She led him across the threshold and welcomed him by curling her arms     around his strong shoulders. He kissed with great care as he gathered her close.     Her kisses grew bolder. Christine pushed his jacket off his broad shoulders and     unbuttoned his shirt as he kicked off his shoes. She stripped him quickly before     she lost her nerve. She felt the strength of his muscular chest and his hard     arousal. She rocked her hips with anticipation, and Travis groaned against her     mouth.

She didn’t speak as he slowly peeled her clothes from her body.     It was as if he was unwrapping a gift. By the time she was naked, she was     trembling and craving his touch. She was desperate for his mouth. For him.

Travis led her to the bed and lowered her gently as if she was     a delicate treasure. Her spine sank into the soft mattress and she drew him down     with her. Travis lay at her side, watching her intently as she explored his body     with her hands and mouth. She learned what made him sigh with pleasure and what     made him clench with barely leashed restraint. Most of all, she discovered     Travis’s patience matched her insatiable curiosity.

When Travis couldn’t take it anymore, he covered her body with     his. Christine wrapped her hands around his penis and couldn’t suppress the     ripple of excitement. She loved the feel of him, enjoyed the pulsating heat and     strength under her fingertips.

“Tell me what you want,” Christine said as she arched against     him. She pressed her mouth against his throat and felt his fast pulse under her     lips.

“Show me how you feel,” Travis said huskily. “Don’t hold     back.”

Christine reached for his hands, which were flattened on the     bed next to her head. She laced her fingers with his and held on tight. She     tilted her head and sought his mouth. Christine gave him the sweetest kiss.

She didn’t want to hold back but she was scared. The sensations     swirling inside her felt stronger than her. The coiling desire held such promise     but she fought it. She knew if she allowed it to take over, she would never be     the same.

Travis ended the kiss and looked into her eyes. His eyes     glittered with an intensity that made her pause. He seemed mesmerized by the     emotions chasing across her face.

Christine didn’t want to be the same person she had been before     this trip. She wanted to feel, to know. She knew he would guide her to the     height of pleasure and hold her when she fell. Travis would take care of her and     not let go.

* * *

TRAVIS WAS INSTANTLY aware of the moment she yielded. She     whispered and sighed as he caressed her. She encouraged him with incomplete     sentences when he explored her with his mouth. Soon she guided him with her     hands. He knew what she wanted with the roll of her hips and the arch of her     spine.

His body strained for completion as he stared into Christine’s     eyes. He couldn’t get enough of her untamed reactions. He wanted to capture this     rare moment.
