Page 5 of Denial

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"You added—" I clear my throat when I practically breathe my words. "You added way too many words. And looks were not included in the bet."

"But all that really matters is..." I feel Jeremiah lean forward then damn near yelp when I feel his mouth come to my ear. "Well, did he manage to make it sound dirty?"

"As in, are you wet right now from what I said?" Ezekiel cuts right to the point.

With a confidence I do not feel in any part of me, I tilt my head up and smirk at him. "Wetter than I've ever been."

His eyes widen, probably at me finally admitting that for once.

"So, then, what do we want to ask, Jer?"

I shake my head. "You just asked your question," I chirp, then slide out from in between them and begin walking away.

"What?" Jeremiah shouts as they both quickly catch up to me.

"You asked if it was dirty, and I would have just answered that, but your filthy-mouthed brother had to interrupt and ask if I was wet. So, I considered that your question, and answered. Blame him for that one."

"Damn it, Zek," Jeremiah growls at him.

Just how badly did he want to ask me a question? And from how upset he sounds, what the hell was it going to be?

"If you all are done dry humping each other, maybe we can start," Sophie teases as we reach them.

Of course, they were watching all of that. At least, it's nighttime, and, probably, no one can see me blushing. But of course...

"Pink is pretty on you," Jeremiah whispers as he passes me to go stand beside Law.

My dress is dark blue, so I know he's talking about my cheeks and not my dress. Bastard.

We all stand around the low table I helped set up earlier. It has a large glass vase on it, and eight smaller vases full of sand around it, all different colors.

"We wanted to keep this part private, just for the people who meant the most to us," Law says.

"The idea is to pour each of our colors in, showing the blending and joining of this family we've made for ourselves," Sophie explains. "We'll keep it in our house, a reminder of this day, and to Shawn, of just how surrounded with love he is. We all have each other to depend on no matter what. To love us no matter what."

Don't you dare look at them,I command myself.

My eyes don't listen. They look up through my lashes and move to Ezekiel and Jeremiah standing across from me. They're looking right back. Not smirking, no arched brow, and with far too much sincerity. If I thought their other looks scared me, these terrify me. I don't know what they mean, and fear I may know what they signify. I swallow, and look down again.

Sophie and Law add their colors first, pouring in Shawn's color before Charlotte and Jackson follow. I almost think they planned it to leave me, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to be the ones pouring ours in at the same time. The colors mix beautifully, and I smile looking at it.

"We wanted to thank all of you for being a part of our beautiful day," Sophie says. "It wouldn't have been the same without any of you."

"Nothing could have kept me from it," I reply.

"But uh..." Law grins. "I'm gonna need you to take Shawn now, Charlotte, because I'm about to finally—finally—get this wedding dress off of my wife."

"My wife!" I cheer as Charlotte pretends to cover her ears while Jackson takes Shawn from Law's arms.

"My husband acts like I won't have him naked first," Sophie shoots right back.

"I could have sworn I saw you grab his ass during your first dance." Jeremiah chuckles.

"Hell yeah, she did." Law wiggles his brow. "So, we love you all, and good night. Do not come knocking on our door for anything. I don't care if the damn resort is burning down."

"Unless it's about Shawn," Sophie quickly adds.

Law gives Jackson and Charlotte a look that agrees, but says it better damn sure be important. Then, Law sweeps Sophie into his arms and he's running across the sand as fast as he can in the next second. And like I can feel them closing in, I turn around and find Ezekiel and Jeremiah coming up alongside me.
