Page 126 of Overtime

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Alyssa: Don’t rush anything. If either of you isn’t into it, I’ve got the guys on standby for a bar crawl.

I’m kind of wishingI’d had a few drinks at the club to ease my nerves. Or at the very least, to relax all the muscles I’ve never tried to use before.

Rob rolls his eyes at his phone before throwing it on the nearby desk with a resounding thud. “I think I bought us an hour. Maybe two. They’re not taking no for an answer.”

“I won’t be able to go with you,” I whisper, anxiety clogging my throat. “I won’t be twenty-one until May.”

“Then they’ll have to go to the bar without me,” he responds without missing a beat.

I laugh. It’s better than shuddering from all the nervous energy zinging through me.

Rob reaches for me and pulls me against him in an uncharacteristic display of unbridled want. My nerves can take a hike. Game on.

“Now,” he whispers into my ear, nuzzling me with his stubbly face. “Where were we?”

More nervous laughter bubbles from my throat. I can’t stop it, no matter how hard I try. I manage to control myself enough to guide him to sit in the arm chair that’s positioned in the corner of the room. “I don’t know if I can continue where we left off after all those interruptions…”

“Please,” Rob drags out. “I want my present now.”

“Oh, all right. If you insist.” No sooner are the words out than he’s hoisting me on top of him to straddle his waist. He maneuvers me as if I’m a ragdoll weighing no more than air.

It’s clear he thinks this night is going to go like all the others.

Not this time, buddy.

“Hi, my beautiful girl.” Rob caresses my cheek slowly as his green eyes roam over my face. It will never cease to amaze me how his large hands can be so gentle.

“Hi, my birthday boy.”

“Come here,” he whispers, pulling me close.

Our lips mesh together in a perfect joining of puzzle pieces. The taste of him fills my mouth, a flavor that can’t be described, but I would know anywhere belongs to him. Like his scent, these parts of him are unique. Words simply cannot do the experience of my senses justice. His tongue works me over until he skillfully draws soft moans from my throat. His hands are splayed across my back, molding me to him. Every valley of his hard planes is filled with my flesh like two pieces of a whole. My brain goes on autopilot and my hips grind down into his hardening length.

A gush of his warm breath fills my mouth. “My Evie.”

No, no. Snap out of it. Tonight is about him, not you.

He pulls desire out of me in a way I never knew was possible, but tonight isn’t the time. Tonight, I’m going to help him. I can think of no better gift to give than a long life of pleasure regained.

Putting some distance between us, I slowly unbutton his shirt.

Grinning, he pulls it over his head in that fascinating way men do. Freed of his silky cotton trap, he grabs both of my hands and presses them down over my name on his chest. “You own me,” he whispers against my lips. “I’ll always want you.”

A soft kiss is pressed against my mouth.

“I’ll forever need you.”

Pliable lips find my jaw.

“And I will love you through eternity.”

Damp breath and a skillful tongue work along my neck. My body reaches for him, arching and twisting as he continues his slow assault on my sensitive skin. So lost in the moment, I don’t even notice that his hands have moved under my shirt until he whispers in my ear, “Evie...can I?”

My glazed eyes blink slowly at him. If he’d been asking me a question, I never heard.

His smile turns smug but instead of repeating whatever it was he said, he simply inches my shirt up and raises a single eyebrow in question.

“Oh.” Realization dawns. “Yes.”

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