Page 128 of Overtime

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His knuckles brush down my cheek. “Because there’s only one girl whose opinion I’m interested in.”

I can’t even help myself. I kiss him for all I’m worth...which isn’t much. “Let me do this for you, Rob.”

His changeable eyes peer into me. They see beyond the shell of a girl that I am. “I don’t want you to do anything for me. I want you to love me.”

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be doing this.” Ulterior motives aside, that’s the truth.

He brings me to him again. Taking his time, he kisses me until neither of us can breathe.

“I want you to know,” I whisper against his lips. “I might not be very good at this, just so we’re crystal clear.”

His smile is so wide that I can feel his smooth teeth with my sensitive lips. His laughter reverberates through my chest, setting anxious butterflies free. This is really going to happen. I slide off his lap with more grace than is usual for me. His eyes flit around rapidly, tracking my every movement. I watch as his chest heaves, his expression nervous with just a trace of anticipation.

He lifts his hips to help me slide off his underwear, chewing his bottom lip the whole time. His brows are knitted together, the only sound in the room our rapid breathing.

“Evie, are you sure?”

With a raised eyebrow, I tug off the soft cotton. The only surprise waiting beneath is a completely unaroused penis. I don’t know what he’s so worried about. It’s really not that gargantuan. I guess it’s not so surprising though. I’ve felt it beneath me enough times that I know Rob is a grower, not a shower. Working hard to keep the disappointment off my face, I busy myself with sliding his boxer briefs down and off completely.

Still no change.

Tense laughter spills from my lips. Who am I kidding to think I can pull any of this off? I’m no Barbie and worse, I broke Rob. The thought of me touching him obviously doesn’t excite him.

“I’m not sure if I should be relieved or offended.” Rob runs his fingers through my hair. There’s only a hint of joking in his voice.

“I’m not sure what all the rumors were for,” I mumble.

“Uh,” he clears his throat. “I’m...kind of nervous, Evie.”


This is my first time up close and personal with the male anatomy. Unease is quickly overtaken by curiosity. Seeing photos in health class and being able to touch the real thing are worlds apart. While all my friends in high school were getting live education, I was pining for this boy I never imagined could actually be mine.

Now, here I am. Staring at his manhood. With no idea what to actually do with it. I mean, I know. I just...don’t know. Ever the epitome of patient saint, Rob continues silently running his fingers through my hair as I rest my head on his thigh. Even with the undercurrent of tension, this moment still feels somehow comfortable. My body seems to know what my mind refuses to accept because my hand reaches out of its own accord. Gliding my fingers along the length, I’m surprised at how silky soft the skin is here. Then it twitches and jerks. The action surprises me, so more stupid laughter escapes my mouth.

Rob stiffens in his seat. “All right, we’re done here.”

“No, no. I just…it jumped at me.”

“Well yeah, Evie. It’s been jumping for you for years. It likes you. That’s kinda what happens.” He pulls at my shoulders in an attempt to make me move.

Not gonna happen, buddy.

With a surer, steadier hand, I wrap around him and slide back and forth along his length. I’ve given him a handjob before. I’ve just never been this up close and personal with his junk at eye level. The concept of what guys do when they’re jerking off is understood, but not having the same equipment, all I can do is approximate the necessary motion. With an audible exhale, Rob’s head falls back. I must be doing something right.

That idea is reinforced when the smooth skin beneath my fingers pulses and hardens. I can’t look away. With each stroke, his penis lengthens and widens until I’m left gaping at the complete transformation. Is it possible to make a penis angry? Because this one certainly is. It’s the only word I can think of to describe what I’m seeing. Veiny, thick, red, swollen and pissed the fuck off at the entire world. This must be why guys are so obsessed with sex and masturbation. If my lady parts got this mad every time I was aroused, I’d stop at nothing to appease the monster, too.

“Oh my God.” I burst out laughing as the realization hits me.

Rob’s head pops up and his furious rod deflates a bit. “What?”

Try as I might, I can’t keep the knowing grin off my face. “You guys got yourselves hard before measuring?”

“Oh…” Rob chuckles lowly while his face turns a visible shade of red even in the dimly lit room. “Yeah…”

I lose it. Howling like a hyena, my head drops forward only to be thwacked with the object of my amusement. That sobers me up a bit. “Please, please, please tell me you were not thinking of me in the middle of the crowded locker room to make that happen.”

“Uh, no,” he huffs out. “It didn’t actually take too much back then to get it up.”

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