Page 16 of Overtime

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His expression is so sad, his eyes so blue. My mouth waters at his scent. I have to take a deep breath to repress the urge to kiss him right here in front of everyone.

“Wanna know a secret?” I ask him, just to distract myself.


“I’m not sure of anything,” I admit. “I’m kind of just fumbling my way around life like anyone else.”

That little dimple in his cheek makes a reappearance with his tentative smile. “Really?”

“Yeah, really.”

“What if I told you I’m doing the same thing? Would you keep that secret for me?”

I would do anything he asked of me. “Yeah.”

“You wanna know another secret?” he asks.

I’m pretty much drooling at this point, so…yeah.

Mike bumps into me. “Hey, you ready to go?”

With just those five little words from my brother, my mind rights itself. The spell of Rob’s eyes and his words breaks. I might have done something so foolish if not for the interruption.

“Yeah. I’m ready whenever you are.”

We collect our things and scoot out of the booth. Everyone else does the same until we’re all standing in the parking lot, exchanging goodbyes.

I cast one last look back at the diner. Maybe I should try to be more social and experience new things. Tonight was really fun, if not odd at times. Definitely different than sitting in my room, petting my cat, and reading a good book.

“Goodnight, Evie,” Rob offers as I turn to go with Mike and Chelsie.

My name sounds just as beautiful rolling off his tongue now as it did the first time I heard it. It’s like he breathes new meaning into it. He hasn’t said my name once since that day we first met.

I’m probably reading too much into it. “Goodnight, Rob.”

I only glance over my shoulder once as we make our way to Mike’s car.

He doesn’t stay to watch us leave. Instead, he makes swift strides toward his car like he would rather be anywhere but in this parking lot right now. After the horrible way I embarrassed him tonight, I don’t blame him at all.

This is exactly why I turned a ride from him down and tried to protest coming out with everyone. Whenever he’s around, I never know how to act or what to say. The very first time I stared into his gorgeous eyes, my tongue pretty much tripped over any words that stumbled out of my mouth. I’m not like all the other cheerleaders and popular girls who always try to get his attention with smooth lines, batting eyelashes, and skimpy clothes. I’ve even tried mimicking their behavior, but he treated me the same as he treats the rest of them—kindly but with no special response.

Just as I open the door to climb into the back seat of Mike’s car, the unmistakable sensation of being watched pings the back of my neck with goose bumps. My eyes lock on Rob’s tall form as he stands beside his own car. He offers a small wave and a shy smile before he climbs in and starts the engine.

Maybe Alyssa was onto something when she said the mystery guy might not be a coward but just shy. Rob’s definitely introverted; it’s one of the things I like best about him. It might be that I just haven’t given him enough motivation to treat me differently than anyone else. I’ll have to think of something more than what all the popular girls do. Clearly, acting like them doesn’t hold any sway with him. What else can I do to make myself seem more attractive to him? I don’t have the first clue about what guys like.

As Chelsea and Mike chat away in the front seat, my mind is focused on one goal and one goal alone—to make myself impossible to resist to one irresistible Rob Falls.

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