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5 I Will Wait

Junior Year, Rob

The weekend has arrived.Sunlight beats down on the blacktop of the student parking lot, making the temperature feel warmer than it really is. The excited chatter of students spilling out of Ironville High rivals that of the birds chirping. Spring is in the air, and all is right with the world.


“Hey, Falls.” A skinny arm snakes around my neck, pulling me down a few inches to the left. “Heard you bagged Jackie Miller last weekend. You gonna tap that hot ass again tonight?”

I cut my gaze to the side to find Josh Duncan staring back at me, a smug grin plastered on his stupid face. This kid has balls of brass—I’ll give him that. And that’s all.

Since he got named to the varsity baseball team this year, his sophomore ego has grown about fifty sizes too big for his lanky body. Even though he’s a good six inches shorter than me, he puffs his chest out like a damn peacock as we head toward our cars. It’s like he expects his status to rise just by being seen talking to me as if we’re friends. He’s constantly pushing himself into the inner circle of varsity jocks, convinced his obnoxious jokes and pussy talk make him one of us.

A fucking joke is what he is.

Shaking free of his hold, I remind myself that he isn’t important enough to correct. “I have other plans tonight. Jackie’s all yours if you want.”

It’s not a total lie. It’s also not the truth I should be telling him.

“Sweet.” He bites his fist as we approach a very familiar rusty, black Kia with the hood open.

Bent over the engine block is the sweetest ass I’ve ever seen.

Josh doesn’t miss it either. He veers in her direction. “On second thought…”

I grab him hard by the back of the neck before he gets too far away. “That’s only a good idea if you feel like dying today, my man.”

“The fuck, Falls? Why you gotta be like that? You get all the pussy you want at this school. Help a brother out.”

“I am helping you out. Everyone knows Evie’s a man-eater. Go mack on Jackie. She’s more your speed.”

“Yeah, but Eva’s hot body makes a man forget what a bitch she is sometimes. Thanks for the reminder. I was about to do something really stupid.” A grin spreads across his face.

I’d love nothing more than to wipe it off him.

“You couldn’t keep up with Jackie, huh? I hear she’s a real wildcat.”

“Something like that.” I sigh in frustration as I watch Evie fiddle uselessly with some wires.

While Josh interrogates me about Jackie’s sexual preferences—which I honestly know nothing about—a new threat approaches Evie.

She startles when he places a hand on the small of her back. If looks could kill, I wouldn’t have to lift a finger because she’d already have the guy bleeding at her feet. That idea really shouldn’t make me as happy as it does.

Still, he doesn’t seem to be taking the hint. Evie takes a defensive stance, her arms crossed over her chest. Leaving Josh without a word or a look back, I make my way to the standoff not ten yards away.

Evie’s eyes widen as she sees me approach at the guy’s back. I’m just close enough to hear what he’s spouting off to her.

“…in exchange, you could show me how you work that magic mouth of yours.”

In my head, the next few seconds play out very clearly. I tap the asshole on his shoulder, and just as he turns to face me, my fist makes a satisfying crunching sound against his face. He crumples to the ground in pain and abject fear. Evie thanks me for coming to her defense, I fix her beat-up sedan for her, then we ride off into the sunset.

So simple. So easy.

So not my reality.

Instead of getting myself expelled for assault on school property, I simply wait until I’m only an inch from the guy before clearing my throat. “Car trouble?”

He whips around to face me. The panicked look on his face almost makes me laugh out loud.
