Page 34 of Overtime

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2 Imagination


“Damn,Falls. Your girl’s getting killed out there. If she takes another sack, this game will be all over.”

I grind my jaw. The stress of the past few days is eating away at me, and watching Evie take hit after hit on the field isn’t helping. I’m so close to cracking. “Yeah, well, you were in charge of coaching the o-line. It’s not Evie’s fault they fold within seconds.”

“It’s not my fault I can’t convince a bunch of girls to willingly let their faces get pummeled a few weeks before Prom. The juniors are out for blood this year,” Trevor yelps.

Mike’s eyes narrow as he watches the carnage from our spot on the sidelines. “Why don’t the junior girls care about getting physical then? They don’t seem too worried about sporting black eyes for Prom.”

Alex cackles. “They don’t have to worry about getting injured when they’re the ones inflicting all the pain.”

Mike, Trevor, and I twist our heads in unison to glare at Alex. There’s nothing funny about the way our senior girls are getting a royal smackdown at the hands of the junior team.

“Watch it, Fossoway. You’re already on my shit list as it is. Evie hasn’t outright said anything, but I know she’s pissed at me for all the time I’ve been putting in to make your Promposal happen today.”

Alex scoffs but doesn’t tear his gaze away from where Evie’s taking matters into her own hands. She’s given up expecting any protection and starts running a route herself rather than risk passing the ball to wide receivers who apparently smeared their hands with oil before the game. “Hey, don’t blame me. This is all your fault. And, you didn’t seem to mind all the time you invested to personally coach our Powder Puff quarterback.”

It’s true. I have zero regrets about that even if the guys have been giving me shit for not helping more with the rest of the coaching.

In all fairness, I have a lot of lost time with Evie to make up for.

Dad obviously enjoyed me being named the head coach of the Powder Puff team…to an extent. It’s obviously all for fun and nothing at all to pad my numbers or improve my game, but it’s a pat on the back for a job well done the past four years anyway.

When he found out that Evie was our team’s starting quarterback, he realized his efforts at keeping us apart were well…over.

Not that he didn’t rage over the setup until the vein in his forehead throbbed in time with his verbal ass chewing.

All it took was me finally growing enough backbone to threaten not playing football at State, and he caved. He knew I wasn’t bluffing.

Nothing comes before football.

Not even his warped ideas about who I should or shouldn’t be dating.

Trevor’s mouth twists into a sickened grimace as he watches Evie get tackled just a yard shy of the first down. “What the fuck are you two talking about? What does Alex’s Promposal have to do with Evie being pissed, and why is that Falls’s fault?”

Mike laughs, then clears his throat as our offense trickles toward the sidelines, and our special teams take their places on the field. He lowers his voice, so none of the girls will overhear. “Rob’s hellbent on making Evie’s Promposal perfect, so he’s been doing secret recon by watching her reactions to everyone else’s big asks. He’s only the mastermind behind Alex’s Promposal as a final study. It’s not like Alex had any grand plans anyway.”

Trevor raises an eyebrow at me. “You are so whipped, it’s not even funny.”

I shrug with no intention of denying it. If I only get one shot at asking Evie to a dance, then there is zero room for error.

She trudges toward us, the slight limp in her gait pricking worry in my chest. Just as quickly as my anxiety builds, it evaporates when she pulls the helmet off her head, shaking out her long hair like some real-life supermodel.

Who’s all mine.

That supermodel is mine.

“I take it back,” Trevor whispers at my side. “Totally worth all your geeky research to go to Prom with a chick like her.”

A smug smile stretches my lips as pride warms my chest. Yeah, it is.

“Hey, baby. That was an awesome run. You’re doing great out there.” I offer her a water bottle.

“Fuck off, Falls,” she spits, pushing past me to collapse on the bench.

The guys around me break into a barely controlled fit of hysterical laughter.

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