Page 38 of Overtime

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I have the best boyfriend in the whole world, and I absolutely don’t need a grand Promposal to prove it.

“What color dress should I get?”

Rob turns his gaze back to mine. “Huh?”

“For Prom? Which color would you prefer?”

Papou coughs from his position on the recliner, reminding me there’s someone listening in on our conversation. “I was not aware you two were going to Prom.”

I give Papou my most relaxed smile. Because that’s how I’m feeling just now—completely content and at ease. “Of course, we are.” A self-deprecating laugh sneaks up my throat. “It’ll be our only Prom, but nothing like saving the best for last, right?”

“The best, hmm?” Papou raises an eyebrow in Rob’s direction.

Even his stern, over-protective nature has me feeling the warm fuzzies tonight. In spite of all the bad in my life, I’m so lucky. A grandfather who stepped in to replace my absentee dad, a boyfriend who loves me enough to overlook my physical shortcomings, even a grandmother who refuses to leave me alone with a boy out of fear that he may break my heart or take advantage of me.

Optimism flows through my tired muscles like a foreign sensation.

I like the feeling too much to let it go.

“I’ll probably go shopping next weekend with Tini and Mama. I might not buy anything, but I definitely need to get an idea of what’s out there since I’ve never done this whole Prom thing before. You actually picked out my Homecoming dress, so this really is my first rodeo. I just want to have plenty of time to weigh my options and make the perfect choice since this is my only shot. I know your favorite color is blue, but there are obviously other choices. We could go with school colors, you know? Red and black? I think I can pull off a red dress, but blue would bring out your eyes more and obviously your tux accent colors will need to coordinate with my gown…”

Before I can get out another word about scheduling hair and nail appointments, Rob’s hands press down on my shoulders with firm, steady pressure. “Evie. Breathe.”

So, I do. And then again.

But it’s not enough to tamp down the excitement vibrating my bones. Prom fever is in the air, and even without a Promposal of my own, going with the guy of my dreams still feels like an achieved life goal.

A smirk accentuates the deep wrinkles on Papou’s face. “You forgot to mention the shoes and the jewelry.”

The warm weight of Rob’s hands evaporates. I glance up to find him scrubbing his face before leaning back against the couch and sighing. “We still have plenty of time.”

His exhausted expression throws a bucket of ice water on my excitement. He looks so beat down. I guess now that the big moments he’s been working toward for the past few weeks of the Powder Puff game and Alex’s Promposal are gone, he’s left with an adrenaline crash. It’s the same after winning a big game. He’s happy, but…tired.

I climb up onto the couch beside him and rest my head on his shoulder. The last thing he needs is pressure from me.

“Plenty of time,” I lie. I’ll handle all my arrangements on the down low. He only has to worry about renting a tux, and I’m pretty sure he can do that at the last minute. Maybe I can even swing some extra shifts at the diner to pay my fair share for the limo and tickets…

Rob wraps a solid arm around my shoulders, tugging me against his side. He places a chaste kiss on my forehead, which lingers only a heartbeat longer than is appropriate for our present company.

No more words are exchanged. Soon enough, Papou’s soft snores join YiaYia’s to form a strange sort of symphony. I don’t know how they don’t wake each other with the noise, but after decades of sharing the same bed, I can only imagine the sound has become somewhat soothing to them.

In the same manner, Rob’s warmth, weight, and mouthwatering scent cover me in a blanket of safety. The earlier euphoria of coming back to beat the juniors at the Powder Puff game, Alex’s Promposal, and my own excitement about Prom erode, leaving me exhausted and my eyes fighting to remain open.

“I should go,” Rob murmurs, his lips brushing against my temple. “You’re tired, and Papou and YiaYia need to go sleep in their bed.”

“Just a little while longer?” I yawn, then lower my voice. It doesn’t matter that my grandparents are sleeping; I don’t want to take any chances. “Just let me fall asleep beside you for a little bit. I’m so sore, I’m looking forward to sleeping in my closet less than usual.”

Rob’s muscles tense. The movement is almost imperceptible, and gone as quickly as it was noticed. “You made me so fucking proud today, Evie. You were amazing on that field. Go ahead and sleep. I’ll carry you to bed and tuck you in. Consequences from the shotgun upstairs be damned.”

Another yawn escapes my throat. I can’t stop them now, like a freight train gaining speed. “Can’t be the girlfriend of the world’s best quarterback and not put on a good show.”

A low rumble of laughter from Rob’s chest vibrates my body. “I don’t know about the world’s best quarterback, but I’m damn lucky to have you as my girlfriend—good show or not.”

He doesn’t need to know he’s the best. I’ll always be here to tell him.

That thought floats away as I drift to sleep.

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