Page 7 of Overtime

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Does that mean something? Does she want me to say something? Because I definitely want to say something.

Hands off, dickwad! She’s mine! I saw her first!

“Okay, awesome. How about we meet there on Saturday around noon?”

Evie faces him again. “Only if you can tell me what my favorite latte flavor is.”


“What do I like to drink at the coffee shop?”

Jake blinks at her a few times in confusion. “How would I know that? We’ve never been there together.”

“You’ve been asking me all these questions since school started. I already told you. Don’t you remember?”

He turns towards me, a silent cry for help in his eyes.

Not gonna happen, asshole. Your loss is my gain.

“Um…mocha frap?”

She makes a buzzer noise in the back of her throat. “Wrong.”

I have to cough to keep my laughter from spilling out. She’s so damn funny that it’s hard to breathe sometimes. It’s chai tea latte. Evie’s favorite drink at the coffee house is chai tea latte. Jesus, does this guy even pay attention to the words that come out of her mouth?

Her favorite color is black. She loves ’80s movies, thanks to her mom, but she hates music from the same decade. She doesn’t have a favorite song because she could never choose just one. She thinks chocolate is the best food ever, but she always feels guilty for eating it, and that’s why she runs every day on the wooded trail behind the school after band practice. Her favorite class is AP history, and her least favorite is geometry. She hates all things math. She doesn’t really like parties, but she’ll go if her best friend, Jess, begs her enough. She’d rather sit at home with a good book. Jake never bothered to ask what her favorite book is or who her favorite author is, but I’m dying to know the answers to these unasked questions because maybe that’s something we have in common.

“Listen, Jake, you’re a great lab partner, but I don’t think meeting at the coffee shop is the best place to prep for our next assignment. We could meet up in here after I’m done with band practice, though, if you want.”

“Yeah, I guess. You might spill your drink all over your shirt if we go to the coffee house anyway.”

My hands ball into fists at his callous jab, but Evie just rolls her eyes, seemingly unaffected.

“And thank you in advance for saving me from giving up a few hours of my weekend. Let’s just do this presentation and forget about it, okay?”

“Whatever.” He pouts like a little bitch.

The sickeningly sweet voice beside me interrupts my effort to burn a laser beam right through Jake’s head. “We could go to the coffee shop and work on our next experiment, Rob.”


“You and me? The coffee shop? This weekend?” Zoe bats her eyelashes at me while she twirls a strand of her black hair around her finger.

Yeah, that’s not doing shit for me.

My eyes snap to Evie as she jumps up from her seat.

“Come on, Jake. This presentation won’t give itself.” She moves to the front of the room on her wedge shoes with Jake in tow.

I guess I can rule him out as the guy she’s crushing on. She wouldn’t go through this much effort for him. I can’t be mad at her for dismissing my help when I acted like a total idiot earlier. I was no better than Jake. If I put myself in her shoes, I wouldn’t want anything to do with me either. I suck just as much—if not more than—Jake. I’m so far beneath her that I don’t even know why I bother. Oh, wait. I don’t.

“Rob?” Zoe whines.

“Uh, sorry.” I tear my gaze away from Evie as she sets up for her presentation. “I have practice and conditioning all weekend. I’m not really gonna have the time.”

“What about next weekend?”

Seriously, the eyelash thing needs to stop. She looks like she has a tic.
