Page 76 of Overtime

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5 Lovesong


“It’s like a Picasso,”Evie giggles as I drag the soapy cloth over her round stomach. “I should’ve taken a picture of it before letting you wash it off.”

I’m not doing a great job washing it off, but I don’t want to rub her sensitive skin raw. This stuff has serious staying power. Evie must have used actual makeup remover on her face before climbing into the tub. “I can understand why you let him do your stomach, but what the hell made you think letting him near your face was a good idea?”

“Well, the entire night wasn’t supposed to be a disaster,” she admits with hesitation. “I did want to look somewhat nice for you. When he saw me starting my hair and makeup, he insisted on helping, and I figured…why not? Then he wanted his sister to look nice, too.”

“He’s quite the artist,” I chuckle, abandoning the wash rag to the side of the tub before grabbing a bottle of shampoo. It looks like Robbie helped with Evie’s hair as well. We probably should have opted for a shower since she’s not supposed to take bubble baths this late in the pregnancy but considering we can’t soak in hot water anymore either, we probably we won’t be in here long. If I wasn’t used to ice baths after games, this would be downright miserable. But Evie loves baths, and I love being with Evie, so… “The Valentine he made me was really good. I saw he got his ideas from Sasha.”

“Oh my God, Rob.” Her excitement ends on a moan as I start massaging the shampoo into her scalp. It’s always fun to distract her much as she distracts me. Her shoulders slump as she relaxes into my touch. After a few moments of silence, she must remember she was about to tell me something. “She proposed to him today.”

“What?” I cough out a laugh. That little girl is relentless. I give her credit though. She knows what she wants, and she goes after it. “What did he say to that?”

“Something along the lines of he would rather puke up his eyeballs first. To which she responded she would clean up the mess for him then kiss him all better.”

Girl’s got game. Flat out. It’s extremely weird to be talking about our son’s not-so-budding romance while I’m sporting a boner because of my wife’s moans and naked body though. Time for a subject change.

“I saw Robbie ate his weight in snacks in the family room, but judging by the kitchen, I’m guessing you didn’t have dinner yet. I could order something for us if you’re hungry.”

Her low, throaty laugh goes straight to my dick. She notices, too, because she scoots back until her ass slides along my length with just barely enough pressure to drive me crazy. “I’m not sure if you’re offering me food because you know it’s the way to my heart lately or because you enjoy watching me eat so much.” She throws me a flirty glance over her shoulder.

“Why can’t it be both?” I turn on the spray nozzle to rinse her hair, watching with fascination as the water smooths her unruly curls down her back. No one realizes how long her hair is when it’s dry because the curls spring up to half their actual length. The strands flatten into the water, floating on the surface and mixing with the bubbles, tickling my stomach.

“How hungry are you?” I dump a big blob of conditioner into my palm. We might need the whole bottle to get through the tangles that remain. “This could take a while.”

She hums. “I’m in no rush. Especially since you’re willing to do this for me. My arms would be tired, and I’d be out of breath with the amount of combing necessary.”

Detangling her hair is the least of what I’m willing to do for her. I take my time slathering conditioner through the heavy strands then combing the tangles out gently, so I don’t hurt her. When I told the guys my plan for the night was to give her my time and attention, I left out a very important detail. The one where my idea is completely self-serving.

I’m receiving as much as I’m giving.

There’s something so erotic about my fingers sliding through my wife’s hair. It’s not the sensations. It’s all about the devotion. On both sides. I could have come home and fucked her senseless. I know her body well enough after so many years to ensure she enjoys it completely. There’s something so much more intimate about caring for her this way. Maybe it’s the trust she confers on me when she lets down her walls completely. Maybe it’s that it makes me feel like a king to serve her.

Any caveman can provide for his family by keeping a roof over their heads and feeding them. What Evie doesn’t realize is she feeds my soul when she lets me do this. These quiet moments recharge my batteries for the times I feel like a loser who can’t handle all the pressure of adult life or when I can’t hear myself think over a roaring stadium or when I feel like a failure as a father because my son can be so cruel to the little girl who adores him.

Evie wouldn’t rest her back against my chest if I she believes I’m a failure of a father. She wouldn’t wrap my arms around her if she thought fame has swelled my ego bigger than this bath tub. She wouldn’t sigh in contentment if she thought I wasn’t strong enough to bear her weight and that of our growing family.

“Are you okay if we let the conditioner soak in for a bit? If you’re too cold, we can rinse and get out now.”

“It’s fine.” I swipe her hair over one shoulder, so I can kiss along her neck and collarbone. “You’ll keep me warm.”

Her laugh echoes on my lips against her skin. “More like I’ll crush you.”

“Now that you mention it.” I adjust her a bit, so my dick has some breathing room. Things were getting a little too tight for comfort. “More like I’ll poke you.”

She hums. “I don’t mind.”

I’m all too familiar with that particular sound. She makes it when she’s imagining all the ways I can use my dick to make her moan with pleasure. If I could see her face, her eyes would be closed, and a faint smile would be painted across her mouth.

When she was pregnant with Robbie she wanted it all the time. All. The. Damn. Time. I never knew it was possible for her to be hornier than I was as a fifteen-year-old, jacking off to fantasies of her up to five times a day. At one point, I was worried she was going to actually break my dick. No lie. So, I used my tongue to give the raw guy a break. By the time Robbie was born, I thought I might have an irreversible jaw problem.

It hasn’t been that way this time. I’m not sure if it’s because we’re busier, because we have to be quiet and sneaky with a four-year-old in the house, or just because every pregnancy is different. Her engine can go from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye, but the reverse is just as true. One second, she’ll clutch my shirt and try to suck my face off. The next, she’ll push me away and say she doesn’t feel well.

From a chafed dick to blue balls. Who would have ever guessed? Certainly not me.

If she wants me tonight, I’ll have to work her up slowly to keep the fire burning. My lips glide along her slippery skin so easily. She shivers in response. I lick a drop of water from her neck. Goosebumps spread down her arms. Her breasts are heavy in my hands. The nipples stiffen and peak without any effort.
