Page 75 of Overtime

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I can’t hold it back anymore. The dam erupts, and there’s not a damn thing I can do to stop it. We’ve been together for so long, but this man still makes me feel like I’m living in the best dream. That’s not just pregnancy hormones talking. Any woman would be the luckiest in the world to be loved this much.

He smiles as he fastens the bracelet around my wrist. It’s a perfect fit. “I knew measuring your wrist in the middle of the night would come in handy.”

“What?” I laugh through my tears.

He winks. “I didn’t wanna mess this up by giving you a bracelet that was the wrong size.”

At the mention of messing up, my tears start all over again.

“What is it? What’s wrong? Did you find another romantic commercial today?”

“I made this huge mess for you. Even Robbie thought it was weird that I wasn’t asking him to help me clean up. I wanted you to come home and feel wanted and needed. To show you I can’t do everything myself. I don’t want to. I know I make you go on these trips for the Sing Out foundation, but I miss you so much when you’re gone. It’s bad enough during the season. Every time you’re not here, it’s like getting a glimpse of what life would be like without you, and I fucking hate it. But you always come back to us. You came home today with all these romantic gifts and sweet words that are making me bawl, and even though I tried really hard, my gifts for you are stupid. All I gave you was a disgusting kitchen and a subscription to a dumb online video game you’re probably not even gonna play because you’ll be too busy being Super Dad during the off season,” I sob.

He turns me around then pulls me against his chest. It’s the only way we can be close this late in the pregnancy. He wraps his arms around me tightly and rocks us back and forth until I can somewhat get control of myself.

By the time my emotions are spent, he’s the only thing holding me up.

“Oh, Mrs. Falls,” he whispers in my ear. “Every day with you is a gift.”

Robbie’s right. There’s no impressing this man. He loves everything. “My gifts are stupid.”

“They’re not,” he insists. “Do you still love me?”

“Of course,” I whimper.

“Still want me?”

I cling tighter to his strong arms in answer.

“Do you need me, baby? For more than just kitchen duty?”

“Yes,” I sigh. “For more than just Super Dad duty, too.”

I feel his mouth stretch into a smile against my cheek. “That’s pretty high praise coming from Super Mom. So, I’ll tell you what? You’re on constant duty growing our precious baby girl. Why don’t you let me put Robbie to bed while you go run us a bath? How does that sound?”

“That sounds nice,” I admit. Robbie’s too heavy now for me to carry upstairs, and bath time with my husband seems like the perfect way to close out Valentine’s Day.

He releases me then gives me a gentle nudge toward the stair case. “Off with you then.”

I hesitate, glancing over my shoulder at the blackened cookie tray still sitting in the sink. There’s no way even Rob’s stronger elbow grease will ever clean it. It’ll have to be thrown away. “Maybe I should just finish up in here while you get Robbie upstairs.”

“Nope.” He swats my ass.

“What the fuck, Rob?” I rub my behind that’s much rounder than I prefer.

He doesn’t usually give me more than a love tap. I’m kind of grateful I have the extra padding all of a sudden.

“Do you really want to make me feel needed, baby?”

“Yes,” I pout, looking around at my failure.

“Then take your fine ass upstairs like I asked, so I can wash that makeup off you.” He crosses his arms over his chest, practically daring me to argue.

Fine. I can be submissive for one night. Also, I completely forgot about the makeup.
