Page 88 of Overtime

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“Or we could employ tried-and-true reverse psychology,” I suggest, my mind already spinning with possible testable trials. “Perhaps we should have our own midlife crises. I would not mind having a so-called mommy makeover to rectify my post-pregnancy body.”

“Elective surgery is a no-go for me.” Evie refills her glass of wine. “I’m not sure how long I have until I can’t put off mandatory surgery. But you might be onto something. Maybe a noticeable change in my personality would be enough for Rob to realize what’s he’s doing and snap out of it.”

“I could always buy a new wardrobe, maybe some jewelry I wouldn’t normally spend money on,” Tori offers.

“Report back in three months and see if any of us have success or if their behavior continues to decline in spite of our efforts?”

Tori and Evie nod their agreement. For several moments, no words are necessary. We simply enjoy each other’s companionship around the fire as the lullaby of the breeze rolls over us.

“We already do have a polyamorous relationship with each other,” I muse aloud. “We’re respectful of each other’s feelings, supportive of our limitations, deeply involved in our family lives and marriages. Perhaps that is why it was so easy for our husbands to believe.”

Tori nearly chokes on her wine from laughing so hard. “Uh, no. Last time I checked, I still prefer dick over pussy. The guys believed it because no matter how much they love us, they’re still easily excitable jocks. Any girl-on-girl action gets them all worked up.”

“Rob wasn’t worked up in a good way. I’m probably going to have to break the code and confess to him in the morning.” Evie chews on her lip with a worried expression.

“If you confess, we won’t be able to pull the puppet strings anymore,” Tori warns. “Then what fun will we have to look forward to as those idiots plan their next prank?”

Evie nods, seeming to think it over. “Are we really any better than they are though? I mean, we’ve been pulling this off for how many years, and they still haven’t caught on?”

“I think it is obvious that makes us far better than they are at pranks,” I offer. “We have been circumventing their prank war since the first time we all vacationed together. One would think years of their hoaxes being upended would be enough of a clue that something greater was at play.”

A genuine smile lights up Tori’s face. “True, but isn’t that all the more reason for us to take the high ground? We don’t need prank wars to bond. We don’t even need to be in the same zip code. We just need a glass of good wine and Skype. We make time for each other throughout the year, not just in the off season.”

“I propose we follow their lead. We’ll work throughout the year to combat their midlife crises as needed. And if next year, they’re still feeling like themselves enough to continue the prank war, then we should celebrate that by continuing to steamroll their efforts. Does that sound like an agreeable game plan to everyone?” Evie asks.

“Their brotherly relationship certainly isn’t without its own code of conduct. I agree if they move beyond their childish ways, we should genuinely worry for their mental health.” I glance at my darkened bedroom window. I would have likewise been worried if Alex had reacted too favorably to this evening’s show. It’s terribly unprofessional of me to have used this traditional prank war backfire as a test. Hopefully, he will transition peacefully into mid-life as well as he has marital sanctity.

“They’ll always be brothers,” Evie assures without hesitation. “Their roles in life change, and other people come and go, but our husbands will always have each other’s backs.”

Tori raises her wine glass up for a toast with a slightly tipsy giggle. “Then I also propose we let them help each other through their midlife crises. To brothers!”

The smile Evie graces us with eases all my anxiety in an instant. No matter what happens, I know I can count on these women to have my back. Just as our husbands count on each other.

“To brothers! And to football sisters!”

The sound of our glasses clinking echoes off the stucco walls of the house.

Tori rises from her chair, yawning. “If nothing else, ladies, one thing is certain. Tonight, we pulled off the ultimate prank.”

Indeed. Here’s to many more.

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