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4 Lose Yourself

Sophomore Year

“I thinkmy dick is too small.”

Something clatters to the tile, potentially dropped by any number of guys who are now staring with their jaws on the floor at Christian.

Like a cartoon character, his brain must register what his pie hole barfed up a few seconds too late. His eyes get wide, and he pulls off a fish—opening and closing his mouth a couple of times in rapid succession.

No one moves. No one speaks.

Christian’s normally pale, freckled face turns beet red.

Beside me on the bench, Alex shakes his head, subtly telling our dumbass teammate to keep his trap shut and not make things worse for himself.

If there’s one thing you learn and learn quick as a young guy on any team, it’s to show no weakness. When sharks smell blood in the water, frenzies happen before you even realize you’re swimming.

“What makes you think that, Zawicki?” Jeff Black—the captain of the team, aka the senior who makes our lives a living hell—slowly rises from where he’d been lacing his cleats. There’s a distinctive gleam in his beady, black eyes that spells trouble not just for Christian but for all of the junior varsity players.

“Uh…” Christian’s panicked gaze darts around to the rest of us sophomores for backup.

Sorry, buddy. You’re on your own. You brought this on yourself.

“Falls!” Jeff barks. “You think Zawicki has a teeny peeny?”

I cast a glare at Christian that silently says, “Fuck you for bringing me into this shitshow.”

Out loud, “I—I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” The menacing senior towers over me. If we were both standing, he’d be looking up, but as it is, I’m in a position to have my face stomped on. “Are you the captain of the JV squad or not?”


Alex elbows me in the side. Why, I don’t freaking know.

“Don’t you think it’s your job to know everything about your team?”

The way he says it makes goosebumps break out across my skin. This can only end poorly. For everyone.

I cough, trying to return my balls to their normal position instead of the shriveled-up masses that are climbing inside my body for protection. “I know everyone’s stats. Their strengths, weaknesses on the field.”

Jeff nods, pursing his lips. “Do you now?”


“Seems to me like you don’t know everything about them then. Why does Zawicki, here,” he thumbs over his shoulder at a still red-faced Christian, “think his cock isn’t good enough?”

I shrug. We might be teammates who have showered together, but rule number one of being an athlete is you never, ever check out another dude’s goods. Everyone fucking knows that.

“So, you don’t know everything about your team.”

“I popped my new girlfriend’s cherry last night, and she cried,” Christian blurts out. “I think it’s because my dick is too small.”

Though I don’t dare tear my gaze away from Jeff, I feel Alex beside me shaking with silent laughter.

“What’s so funny, Fossoway?” Jeff barks.

Alex continues to shudder beside me, gasping for breath.
